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Jade is out!
emsfactory - 19/1/07 at 09:28 PM

i hope she gets torn too pieces

Jon Ison - 19/1/07 at 09:29 PM

Prefer corro I'm afraid...........

emsfactory - 19/1/07 at 09:31 PM

Me too.
Been hearing it all unfold on the radio this week. Decided to watch tonight despite knowing that would add to the viewing figures.

bob - 19/1/07 at 09:42 PM

Some say "she will never work again".

I say did she work in the 1st place.

owelly - 19/1/07 at 09:51 PM

Folks say she is stupid. I totally agree but who's the one with a healthy bank balance?? I hope this ruins the docile cretin.

steve m - 19/1/07 at 09:53 PM

shes a f******g minger

alister667 - 19/1/07 at 09:57 PM

She is the woman who inspired the word


Says it all really.

JoelP - 19/1/07 at 10:02 PM

she's just a dummy, you really must blame the media and even politician who call her a racist. How ridiculous. I bet most couldnt even form an argument as to what the difference is between racism and prejudice.

How come you could tell Dirk to 'go home' but not Shilpa? Incompetence.

donut - 19/1/07 at 10:31 PM

Jade Quote "East Anglia, is that abroad?"


DIY Si - 19/1/07 at 10:34 PM

The only reason I watched it briefly was because Shipa (?) is quite tasty! I've never liked Jade as she's ridiculously thick and not even remotely cultured. She can't even use slang correctly!

DarrenW - 19/1/07 at 10:38 PM

Im no fan of hers. Easy to predict she would get evicted. dont believe she is racist in any shape or form. Probs more realistic that she doesnt have the vocabulary or intellect to form a reasoned argument and just gets off on being heard.

What would you give Shilpa out of 10???

cossiebri - 19/1/07 at 10:41 PM

I'd give her ONE!

DIY Si - 19/1/07 at 10:47 PM

Just once?! You lazy sod! I'd go for as long as I could. Or the wife found out and killed me!
Also, I don't think Jade is racist, just too thick to use the correct words or get her actual point across, so she gets shouty and angry and it looks like something more. If she more intelligent enough to know the correct vocab, she'd probably know to shut up in the first place!

[Edited on 19/1/07 by DIY Si]

jlparsons - 19/1/07 at 10:53 PM

"i'm not a racialist cos i et chicken curry"

quite of the century...

JoelP - 19/1/07 at 10:55 PM

as i said, she is dum!

She asked about eskimos speaking, and where they go in winter! I think she thinks eskimos are animals of some sort....

DIY Si - 19/1/07 at 10:58 PM

Some fluffy creatures that talk like whales do?! Jeezzussss. Glad I don't know her, as I'd be too tempted to kick her quite hard! Even her locals are quite ashamed of her, according to the radio!

Humbug - 19/1/07 at 11:04 PM

I don't think she is really racist, but she is a bully... I'm surprised that the media has really only emphasised the racist element, as though being a bully without being racist is somehow OK???

JoelP - 19/1/07 at 11:06 PM

aye... plus, the other two hoes were just as bad, yet due to their lesser fame they will be fine.

How about jermaine jackson? He made lots of comments about colour. Asked if his bride was black 'of course' he said, as in dont be daft. Deffo more racist than any of them but as he's black, it would be politically incorrect to point it out

DIY Si - 19/1/07 at 11:08 PM

It's gotten out of hand because of the politicians and so on wading in. It's being spun as a aren't we good, looking after this Indian (?) woman being bullied type of thing. In the foolishly PC world we live in anything is racist, or abusive, or degrading or something else highly offensive.

owelly - 19/1/07 at 11:25 PM

I recall being totally bewildered when I was called into the headmasters office (obviously many years ago!) to be confronted by my angry mother, the headmaster and a police officer. I was accused of "racial hatred".
I had had a scrap with a kid from my class who happened to be of "asian appearance". Until this point I hadn't even noticed!!
I never at any point made any referance to his colour, creed, facial hair or odd trainers but I was a racist because I had a fight with this guy.
I now have a bit of a bee in my bonnet about folks who shout"racist" just to cause a stir.
And he started it anyway................

stevec - 20/1/07 at 12:18 AM

I reckon "miss Piggy's"/ Jade's boy friend will get the hots for Shiplap. That will get it all going.Theres no way a plank like him will be able to do without it for more than a day or so.

grafter - 20/1/07 at 12:41 AM

It's Jade I feel sorry for, what's going on is reverse snobbery at it's worst and is an issue of class not race.

It's a working class girl with a tough upbringing being intimidated by a rich sophisticated rival and not handling the situation very well by reacting the way she did and then getting slaughtered for it in the name of racism.

Noodle - 20/1/07 at 08:46 AM

I proudly have nothing to contribute to this discussion.

bob - 20/1/07 at 10:14 AM

I seem to remember Jodie marsh being bullied last year by chutney ferret barrymore and others,whats the difference ?

ian furness - 20/1/07 at 10:31 AM

trouble with this country there are too many do-good'rs who are frightend of offending people ,and not saying what they feel.

omega 24 v6 - 20/1/07 at 11:52 AM

What a load of shite. There are no celebrities in the house only ego's. and has beens.

As for my opinion on Jade ("YOU CAN'T EDUCATE PORK" she doesn't think or realise what she said was offensive. Basically it was like listening to a young child arguing and name calling.

donut - 20/1/07 at 12:10 PM


There are no celebrities in the house only ego's. and has beens.

DON'T diss Leo Sayer man!! He's the daddy!!!

Only joking!!

[Edited on 20/1/07 by donut]

omega 24 v6 - 20/1/07 at 12:14 PM


DON'T diss Leo Sayer man!! He's the daddy!!!

I but he'd the sense to G.T.F. out by his own methods

MikeRJ - 20/1/07 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Noodle
I proudly have nothing to contribute to this discussion.

Me either. I can proudly say I have not seen a single BB episode in the last 5 years or however long it's been going for. The only reason I know anything about this intellectually challenged hippocrocapig is that the media don't talk about anything else.

Coose - 20/1/07 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ


There's a word that you really don't hear often enough!

[Edited on 20/1/07 by Coose]

carlgeldard - 20/1/07 at 06:19 PM

The biggest racist in there is Jamain as he called Jade's mum white trailer trash, and that was before this all this kicked off with Jade. but nothing will be said about that.

locogeoff - 21/1/07 at 07:57 PM

Originally posted by carlgeldard
The biggest racist in there is Jamain as he called Jade's mum white trailer trash, and that was before this all this kicked off with Jade. but nothing will be said about that.

Thats because only white people are racist.

You can call me tight fisted, a haggis munchin whatever, you can call the french cheese eatin surrender monkeys and that also seems to be o.k. but call an Indian Popadom and you're up crap creek without a paddle.

I'm glad it seems to have settled down a bit cause I could forsee the real nasty racists (also ignorant, but malicious with it) using this as an excuse for stirring up real hatred.