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New Ultra-light Sportscar
Hellfire - 22/1/07 at 07:05 PM

A nice concept but it's goddamn FUGLY


westf27 - 22/1/07 at 07:12 PM

looks like a paper punch,think some village is missing a piece of their bridge

carlgeldard - 22/1/07 at 07:13 PM

I saw it this morning on pistonheads and I can't believe its a GTM. What have they done!!!!!!!!


jlparsons - 22/1/07 at 07:13 PM

Not keen. Looks like a car that's styled, not designed. Which is surprising, given that, as you say, it's fugly.

pathfinder - 22/1/07 at 07:33 PM

What a waste of a type R engine, a saw this at Autosport and thought it was a joke!

Mark Allanson - 22/1/07 at 07:39 PM

I doubt Richard Oakes was involved in that one!

RazMan - 22/1/07 at 07:58 PM

I usually like different .... but that is hideous

akumabito - 22/1/07 at 08:16 PM

Uhhmm yeah... another one of those cars that make me feel unsure whether I should laugh or cry.

pmw - 22/1/07 at 08:21 PM

Anyone else played "Lego Star Wars", I'm sure I've seen it there?

iank - 22/1/07 at 08:21 PM

When even the manufacturer thinks it's unattractive you can predict failure with fairly high confidence.

It will take a lot to get it though SVA (like an engine cover), or is it a track only car. In which case it's too heavy.

MikeR - 22/1/07 at 08:47 PM

thats not ugly,
thats not even fugly,

thats flippin stupidly amazingly fugly.

Gav - 22/1/07 at 08:51 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
thats not ugly,
thats not even fugly,

thats flippin stupidly amazingly fugly.

Amen to that!

roadrunner - 22/1/07 at 08:55 PM

Designed on the back of a match box, and how are you supposed to see past that scuttle.

MikeRJ - 22/1/07 at 09:18 PM

I saw this at the Autosport and after pointing and laughing walked on, not even realising it was from GTM. Have you checked out how much suspension travel there isn't at the front? What the hell do those stupid curved beams do apart from looking silly and catching on the tyres? And a triangular roll bar might work out for a single seater, but this isn't one.

I have the artistic abilities of a retarded baboon, but I reckon I could come up with something that looks considerably better. In fact I think my 18 month old daughter could.

Onyx must like it though, it makes their cars look positively handsome.

[Edited on 22/1/07 by MikeRJ]

alister667 - 22/1/07 at 09:34 PM

Originally posted by pathfinder
What a waste of a type R engine, a saw this at Autosport and thought it was a joke!

I saw it at autosport as well, and I thought it was one of the ugliest things I have ever seen

TangoMan - 22/1/07 at 09:35 PM

I think someone forgot to add the bodywork

The only positive thing I can say is that the nose looks quite nice.

I am not sure how they expect it to drive when the front tyres will rub the chassis under any roll or droop.

The roll bar adds nothing to the design other than stupidity. What do they expect it will do for the driver in the event of a rollover.

I like the Libra and the Spyder but I think they have lost the plot on this one.


iank - 22/1/07 at 09:50 PM

Originally posted by TangoMan
The roll bar adds nothing to the design other than stupidity. What do they expect it will do for the driver in the event of a rollover.

I like the Libra and the Spyder but I think they have lost the plot on this one.


I agree about the rollbar, wonder what a scrutineer would say about it?

I think this is the first new design since GTM changed owners after the death of Peter Beck. Most of their previous cars were designed by Richard Oakes.

sept - 22/1/07 at 10:08 PM

its an spyder chassis (body) with some wooden beams over it. Its not an real car its only an very ugly prototype.

PAUL FISHER - 22/1/07 at 10:27 PM

I don't care how fast it is,or how cheap it is,its not going to sell,it looks just awful,the worst car Ive seen after this Rescued attachment 04cf4020.jpg
Rescued attachment 04cf4020.jpg

shortie - 22/1/07 at 10:59 PM

Saw it at Autosport and quite frankly it's hideous!! I meantioned that they may have an issue with the tyres rubbing and he said it's a prototype and that will get sorted, I added that they'd have to sort more than the wheel clearances!!!!

NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by pathfinder
What a waste of a type R engine, a saw this at Autosport and thought it was a joke!

same here!!!!

Dazza - 23/1/07 at 11:33 AM

i think its ugly. i get the pi ss ripped outa me for loving the jago jeep, but if i owned one of them, i would be ashamed myself!!!!

Guinness - 23/1/07 at 12:14 PM

The worst bit of it is the reported "development budget of £250,000"

I could do better than that for £250!


NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 12:48 PM

heh heh this makes me laugh!

Call me a cynic but did you notice the main underwriter of "costs" for all the cars on that stand....................

The Zolfe was there too.................

and last year...............

still wasting money................

or at least lining the pockets of the wise!!!!!


great isn't it, we're all paying for that utter shite!!!!

NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 12:52 PM

ooh look some of their strategy:

The West Midlands Economic Strategy
Advantage West Midlands and its many partners use the West Midlands Economic Strategy (WMES) as their guide to delivering economic development and regeneration activity in the region. The document – first published in 1999 and updated in 2004 – provides the focused approach needed to make best use of around £20 billion of combined resources available to the region over the next five years. "


I'm a chap who could do with a few quid and can chuck a car together that will fool a few ill-informed suits into giving me £250,000, from their budget of £20,000,000,000 worth of taxpayers money shouldn't dent it enough for anybody to notice!!!

russbost - 23/1/07 at 02:10 PM


You should get in there for some of that midlands development money - I challenge you to make a worse job than that GTM. Your main investment will be in a giant Lego set - anyone know where to buy Lego in that size, or is it plastic Meccanno?
I am well aware that my car is not to everybodies taste, but at least people either love it or hate, it would be a brave (or very foolish) man who said he loved that "thing".

NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 02:41 PM

to even speak about your F1 in the same sentence as that pile of crap would be a deep insult to your car!!!

iank - 23/1/07 at 02:54 PM

Speculating wildly, but did they just get some car design students together put all the wilder concept designs on the table and then pick one bit from each...

More seriously, I wonder how much of the £quarter million went on salaries for the 'design team' and any associated 'consultants'.

NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 03:36 PM

was that like that on this year's one?

I only had a glance and it was MUCH better than last years, which was actually worse than my brother's first ever attempt at welding.

It was not only poor, it was unsafe and would fail MOT, let alone SVA or god forbid type approval!!!

NS Dev - 23/1/07 at 03:38 PM

ooh look what I found, Zolfe at aurtsport 2006:

here's a prime example, at the biggest national show, of what government quangos are spending OUR £20,000,000,000 on

Zolfe 1
Zolfe 1

suparuss - 23/1/07 at 03:45 PM

eeek, is it welding or did they catapult bird turd at it?
regarding the gtm- anyone see that simpsons episode where homer found his long lost brother who owned a car factory and let homer loose on designing their next model? just cant deside who did a better job.