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Live For Speed online racing for LocostBuilders
Gergely - 12/2/07 at 09:43 AM

Hi guys,

This has been discussed before, we have even planned to arrange our private Live for Speed (LFS) race online, but never got to it, I wanted to host a race, but it didn't work for firewall settings reasons...
Now I got it all sorted and I can host the race.
My suggestion is Saturday evenings starting at 20:00 UK time. Let's try and see if many people join from the forum. The idea is to have a scheduled race for each week that everyone is aware of and is always at the same time (unless discussed otherwise...)

If you have any suggestions for the timing, let me know, otherwise I will start the race on Saturday 17 February a couple of minutes before 20:00.

My suggestions for the game:

Password: locost
Cars allowed: XFG, XRG, XRT (We'll discuss which car to race, but why not start with XFG)
Track: Blackwood GP track
Race: 5 laps (so we can do lots of races, but if you wish, we can run complete qualification and longer - 10 lap - races as well

The game is set so that anyone with demo access can join, just download the game for free from here:


Use your Locostbuilders forum name in the game, so we know who is who.

Any ideas, suggestions?
Who is interested? Let's see how many people! Respond if you are interested!


P.S: I am not a pro at all, but would like a good race with people who do not crash into each other, but race fairly, even if not super quickly...

ecosse - 12/2/07 at 09:50 AM

I'd be up for that, haven't raced online since GP legends came out
I'll download the game later and have a look see.



jos - 12/2/07 at 10:11 AM

i'll give it a whirl

whats the costs?

MikeR - 12/2/07 at 10:15 AM

its a good game, but since i'm using an old slow pc (after my last one caught fire - i kid ye not) i'm out.

(i was rubbish anyway, couldn't control the rwd cars, far to tail happy)

Gergely - 12/2/07 at 10:22 AM


If you download the demo version, it's free. Only 3 cars and 2 tracks in two directions in the demo version, but still plenty of fun. If you register for the full version it's 24 GBP with loads more cars and tracks. It's a one time cost and you will receive all future updates for this amount.
But look at the demo first and play with us...


BenB - 12/2/07 at 10:51 AM

I would but there's something screwy going on with LFS on my box. No matter how much fiddling I do the drivers view is always out of the right side of the car. Strange but true. Tried different keyboard setups and everything. Even reported it to the programmers but that drew a blank. I temporarily got it to work properly by changing modes four or five times but it doesn't always work... Strange...
Oh well I leave the steering wheel and pedals up in the loft....

I love speed :-P - 12/2/07 at 11:17 AM

I wont be able to make it this weekend however next week I can

rayward - 12/2/07 at 01:55 PM

i'll give it a go!!


tiffshaw - 12/2/07 at 04:05 PM

I'm up for this. Is the downloaded demo enough for the planned online game?

Gergely - 12/2/07 at 04:20 PM


I'm up for this. Is the downloaded demo enough for the planned online game?

Yes, it is enough. We will not drive 7 type cars then, only the ones available in the demo version, so download and join us!

IainB - 12/2/07 at 04:35 PM

I'm in. Havent quite got the hang of it yet, the handling is very different to GT Legends!


matt.c - 12/2/07 at 08:17 PM

Downloading it now.

Will be up for a race but only be able to use the keyboard

Gergely - 12/2/07 at 09:13 PM


Will be up for a race but only be able to use the keyboard

Keyboard is fine! In fact the best laptimes are run by people using the keyboard, so no problems... See you there!

ecosse - 12/2/07 at 09:18 PM

Whats a decent lap time for the demo car and track, or alternatively, what lap times is everyone doing?
Just so I know what to aim for



greggors84 - 13/2/07 at 12:21 AM

Yep up for this.

So much easier with a joypad. I use my Xbox one with an adapter from ebay. 360 wired ones plug straight in. You need analogue throttle to be able to control the rwd cars properly. Steering wheel is even better.

Gergely - 13/2/07 at 05:50 AM


Whats a decent lap time for the demo car and track?

With the XFG (front wheel drive Fiesta-like car) on the Blackwood GP track the best times are 1.32.xx. Don't let that put you off though...
My personal best is 1.35.45 but I am very inconsistent unfortunately... If you get to 1.40 down to 1.37 I would say that is a good time for some nice racing.
By the way, a good car setup helps, too. I have downloaded a couple and found one of them quite nice, I will be able to send the setting over while we are racing online.
So don't worry about times too much, let's see first who joins and have some fun!


[Edited on 13/2/07 by Gergely]

MikeR - 13/2/07 at 04:22 PM

I used to enjoy the fiesta like car - although i often thought it was more an AX.

The joy i felt having done a lap in the rwd car without spinning was ..... well, lets just say it gave you an idea how difficult rwd was (with wheels and peddles) although that was a # of revisions ago.

Get the full version and try the 200bhp mini. Man, thats a handful but fun.

iiyama - 13/2/07 at 06:42 PM

Im down to a consistant 1:41 now....

pjavon - 13/2/07 at 07:45 PM

downloading now, i'll have a couple of practice laps and see u all on saterday

t.j. - 13/2/07 at 07:58 PM

I'm downloading......112 MB

ecosse - 13/2/07 at 08:02 PM

Originally posted by iiyama
Im down to a consistant 1:41 now....

About the same here, I think some major setup work is required before much below 1:40 will happen for me though



t.j. - 13/2/07 at 08:23 PM


help me?

matt.c - 13/2/07 at 08:25 PM

Tried to download LFS but it got half way threw it and then it said its encrypted and it would not download? Which site has everyone downloaded it from and anyone else had any problems

t.j. - 13/2/07 at 08:39 PM

got it from the netherlands


[Edited on 13/2/07 by t.j.]

matt.c - 13/2/07 at 09:08 PM

Ok download complete but i have now lost it on my pc. can anyone tell where it might have gone?

jos - 13/2/07 at 09:35 PM

c drive

jos - 13/2/07 at 09:36 PM

search for a file called


iiyama - 13/2/07 at 10:50 PM

Originally posted by ecosse
Originally posted by iiyama
Im down to a consistant 1:41 now....

About the same here, I think some major setup work is required before much below 1:40 will happen for me though



You got that right! Might have to get the old steering wheel and pedals down from the loft. Should shave some more off with that rather then using a mouse!

ecosse - 13/2/07 at 11:02 PM

"Should shave some more off with that rather then using a mouse!"

LOL, I'm already on the steering wheel and pedals!

Although I'm now getting 1:39's fairly regular



matt.c - 13/2/07 at 11:04 PM

Right then!

When is the big locosters race?

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 01:37 PM

Good to see many are interested! Some points:

- You will not see a LOCOSTBUILDERS race on the online races list until Saturday unless we decide to try earlier as I will host it from my computer, so its not a server constantly up and running...
- The race is Saturday 20:00 UK time, password: locost
- If we are too many to join (I believe around 11 people should be max and even that is to be seen with my computer and Internet performance...), would someone else be able to host a 2nd server? Just in case... We could even split the servers, one with FWD, one with RWD cars, or different tracks, or based on lap times to give more even races... Anyone able/willing to in case we are too many on Saturday?
- Below is a link to download car settings, worth a try, far better than the default settings. Save the file into your LFS folder/data/settings and you will be able to select them in the game.

LFS Setups


[Edited on 14/2/07 by Gergely]

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 01:48 PM

I could probably run a server if required, I've got a few machines sitting around doing nothing anyway I'll have a look at the requirements tonight.



Gergely - 14/2/07 at 04:22 PM

Cool, try it tonight! I might see if I have some time to check if LOCOSTBUILDERS2 is available for a round or two then...

But not sure I will have the time...

Saturday is still on though!


jos - 14/2/07 at 05:00 PM

am i down as another driver,

pretty please

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 07:51 PM


I'll have a look at the requirements tonight.

How is it going? I am online and OK to test for another half an hour or so... got my wheel and pedals out as well...


matt.c - 14/2/07 at 08:21 PM

Cool, Im in

FWD first for me.

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 08:30 PM

not long in, bringing a server online now, details shortly



ecosse - 14/2/07 at 08:57 PM

anyone about?
Server is running at default port, password=locost

could someone try this to make sure I've got the firewall forwarding correctly?



Gergely - 14/2/07 at 08:59 PM

Just tried, I see the server, but no response, can't get in. I remember having the same prob. 2 ports need to be open, let me get you which ones in a minute!

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:01 PM

This is what is on the LFS forum, and it worked for me just to open the two ports mentioned:

IP-Address: If the server has more than one IP-Address you can specify which address should be used by the LFS-Server.
Port: Specifies which port the server should use to connect to the Internet. Usually this can be left at the default value 63392.
ADVICE: If the server connects to the internet through a firewall the TCP and UDP ports which are used by LFS (default: 63392 and 29339) have to be forwarded ( to the server.

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:02 PM

2 ports! typical crap docs

wait a minute does it need the same port out the way?
Trying now

[Edited on 14/2/07 by ecosse]

iiyama - 14/2/07 at 09:03 PM

whats the server name??

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:04 PM


whats the server name??


Make sure you select private servers from the list

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:09 PM

you should be able to connect directly to the IP as well by specifying local network.
I can see the connections coming in, but they just time out!

iiyama - 14/2/07 at 09:09 PM

cant get in. Tells me it dosent recieve guest info....

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:10 PM

same for me...

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:12 PM

iiyama, can you see if you can get in my server I just put up? name: locostbuilders, password locost

iiyama - 14/2/07 at 09:24 PM

nope...cant get in. Same problem

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:28 PM

we could get in, but not play, lag was huge... can you try to get in again? If you can't you also need to open ports, i think... but I am no IT expert at all... I am rubbish...

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:30 PM

I just started another "locostbuilders2" if anyone wants to try no pass set

Gav - 14/2/07 at 09:32 PM

if you want to see what ports the server is using goto the site and download tcpview, telss you which process is listening on which ports. an essential tool imho

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:35 PM

yeh, good site (MS now) netstat does the job though

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:39 PM

I don't see your new server...

Gav - 14/2/07 at 09:40 PM

ah yeah good ol netstat forgot about that

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Gergely
I don't see your new server...

It's still online and says its connected to the master!
maybe my firewall up to something, will eventually read the manual I think

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Gav
ah yeah good ol netstat forgot about that

used to be a top site did sysinternals, can't help but wonder what MS will turn it into

Gergely - 14/2/07 at 09:49 PM

OK, I see it, but still can't get in...

Gav - 14/2/07 at 10:07 PM

eccose i can get to your sever but it says it requires a password?

Gav - 14/2/07 at 10:12 PM

actually scratch that, found the earlier post with the password, i can get in so all ready to go on sat night

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Gav
actually scratch that, found the earlier post with the password, i can get in so all ready to go on sat night

I can see you on now

Had to open UDP ports as well! doesn't tell you that in the docs

[Edited on 14/2/07 by ecosse]

matt.c - 14/2/07 at 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Gav
actually scratch that, found the earlier post with the password, i can get in so all ready to go on sat night

Im trying and i cant get in? Which name and which password?

Gav - 14/2/07 at 11:06 PM

passwords: locost

ecosse - 14/2/07 at 11:07 PM

sorry m8 password was locost, same again every day this week though


Just got thrashed by gav and gergely

Gav - 14/2/07 at 11:10 PM

Well you did win the last one, i cracked under the pressure of you in my wing mirrors

Some tasty laps times at the end too

ecosse - 15/2/07 at 09:33 AM

Originally posted by Gav
Well you did win the last one, i cracked under the pressure of you in my wing mirrors

Some tasty laps times at the end too

LOL...well I was cracking under the pressure of try to do a lap without visiting the grass/gravel/tyrewalls/barriers etc etc

Like you say, lap times were definitely improving at the end, although we have still a bit to go to catch gergely should be fun trying though

How about we use the chatroom on here b4 joining a game, it's easier to keep up with who is having problems connecting, and getting race details and stuff sorted?



Gergely - 15/2/07 at 09:35 AM

That was good to test yesterday evening. It turned out my PC isn't powerful enough to host an online race, but when I join a race, I am fine. This means I will not be able to host the Saturday race either...

But Ecosse was very good with his server. That one was fine! Would you mind hosting the LOCOSTBUILDERS race then Saturday at 20:00? same password: locost


P.S.: I might join the Friday evening practice if there will be one... I can't make it tonight...

[Edited on 15/2/07 by Gergely]

ecosse - 15/2/07 at 09:39 AM

Yeh, server is no problem Gergely, bandwidth might be though, but I'll worry about that when/if it happens.
From what I can see I should be able to run about 10 drivers (including myself) at a time.



Gergely - 15/2/07 at 11:02 AM


How about we use the chatroom on here b4 joining a game

Good idea. Do you just click on chat and that's it? To be honest I have never used any chat tool...


Gav - 15/2/07 at 11:07 AM

What sort of connection do you have Ecosse?

Ive got the sky adsl2 thingy which has averages of about 60-70KB upload and spikes ive seen of 100KB+ and ive got a spare server doing nothing so could potentially host if your having probs.

Im deffo gonna have to get my steering wheel hooked up for more praccy

ecosse - 15/2/07 at 03:38 PM

I've got 4mb down and 384kbps up (cable not adsl so is real ), which according to the doc should be enough for the max demo users (11) keeping this at 10 gives a bit of leeway (presuming that many want on at once anyway).
The main issue is latency, which as you will know causes lag, a big no no for online games, and while I have not had any real latency problems on my cable connection for a while i have also not tried to run this either!
The server requirements are minimal, i'm running it on a low end p4 which barely noticed it.

So after all that rambling rubbish I think the answer would be if you have the kit handy then it would do no hard to have it ready just in case we have problems



matt.c - 15/2/07 at 06:57 PM

So i click onto "specific game" Then type "LOCOSTBUILDERS2" and then the password of "locost" ?

Tried it earlier and it told me "Hose not found on master server"

What am i doing wrong?

jos - 15/2/07 at 07:06 PM

Nobody is online at the momment hosting the game, thats whats wrong. There needs to be a central computer ie the host on whose computer the game is setup on for others to join.

matt.c - 15/2/07 at 07:13 PM

Ok thank you

jos - 15/2/07 at 07:30 PM

i cant wait for trying it (racing) against people i know rather than complete strangers from across the world

ecosse - 15/2/07 at 07:49 PM

Locostbuilder2 is now online for anyone wanting to try it out



matt.c - 15/2/07 at 07:49 PM

Please mr server can we have a pratice race?

matt.c - 15/2/07 at 07:53 PM

cant get it working? How do i do it?

Just says "Hose not found on master server"

[Edited on 15/2/07 by matt.c]

Gergely - 16/2/07 at 09:28 AM

Matt, I think - from your posts at least - that you tried for LOCOSTBUILDERS2 whereas Alex runs the host called LOCOSTBUILDER2 without the "S".
Another alternative is to get the list of available games, only select the private ones and you will see it in the list somewhere...
If you already found it I was too late...
