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Road Tolls and the German Influence
Rob Lane - 15/2/07 at 09:41 AM

Just read in the papers that one of the firms who produce road charging equipment has made a "Donation" to Labour party coffers.

What a shower of **** this lot are.

Labour made big promises, couldn't raise the money to pay for them and now looking for ways to screw the motorist to prop up their mistakes.

Bet something new is leaked by the spin doctors today trying to take the heat off them.

macnab - 15/2/07 at 11:54 AM

all I can say is don't blame me cos I never voted for them...

jonbeedle - 15/2/07 at 03:45 PM

We're living in a police state where your car journeys are monitored you're clocked by more cctv cameras than anywhere else in the world , your bins are chipped to make sure that you're throwing away the right type of rubbish and some b*astard is allowed to stroll into your house to nose around to see what you've got and then assess your council tax accordingly. Did you know that you have to pay extra for a nice view? If you don't comply with any of this or step out of line you get charged more and they send round the SS!
This is getting like Nazi rule. I'm out of this poxy corrupted dump at the first opportunity!

James - 15/2/07 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by jonbeedle
We're living in a police state w

Sad thing is mate, there are still people in favour of the ID card scheme!

[Shakes head sadly.]


gazza285 - 15/2/07 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by jonbeedle
I'm out of this poxy corrupted dump at the first opportunity!

Giving it serious thought myself as well.

David Jenkins - 15/2/07 at 08:14 PM

If you read the Guy Fawkes blog website you'll realise the extent of the corruption. Even allowing that some of what he reports is probably incorrect, there's also a lot of truth. He reported the link between the road charging company and the government a few weeks ago. Currently he's attacking the Smith Institute (which he calls The Sith) and also the 'Cash For Peerages' scandal. He also takes great joy in reporting the divides in the Labour Party. In all fairness, he attacks all the other parties as well!
The one consolation is that there's a whole pile of cr*p lined up that's about to hit the fan big-time, and the persons doing the investigation have previously been pee'd upon by this government (Audit Office, Police, Crown Prosecution Service, et al). None of these bodies have a great desire to keep this lot in government...

NigeEss - 15/2/07 at 11:35 PM

Taxed, taxed and taxed some more.
Wonderful place Britain.

What's next ( for the motorist ? ) after the drop in revenue when the smoking ban in June ?

ps : I never voted for the w*****s either, but the ones I did'll probably be as bad and lie as much

[Edited on 15/2/07 by NigeEss]

Jasper - 16/2/07 at 08:46 AM

5 years the daughter will be off to uni and we'll be off to live somewhere else Probably France, I know it aint perfect, but at least they have a bit of space there, the people won't put up with any sh*t from their govt and there's decent healthcare !!

James - 16/2/07 at 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Jasper
5 years the daughter will be off to uni and we'll be off to live somewhere else Probably France, I know it aint perfect, but at least they have a bit of space there, the people won't put up with any sh*t from their govt and there's decent healthcare !!

Pity about the 10% unemployment, the poverty amongst the large (and growing) Muslim immigrant population, the rioting, the growth of the far right (National Front polled about 27% IIRC) etc. etc.

To be honest, most of Europe has it's problems one way or the other, atleast we have the best economy!


James - 16/2/07 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
If you read the Guy Fawkes blog website you'll realise the extent of the corruption.

Program about Guido Fawkes that was on Radio4 on Sunday if you're interested:
