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Robbed - 2nd time in a week!
MikeR - 17/2/07 at 11:01 AM

Turns out its the in thing to be burgled.

Woke up this morning to find i've been robbed again. (last time was sunday morning).

Luckily the new burgler alarm, 500w security light and leaving lights on in the house has stopped the theiving toads from trying to break into the house again. (hmmm do you think they worry about their effect on global warming?)

So instead they've removed the hinges from the shed and robbed that. Worset bit is, at first glance they've not taken anything. Just waiting for police now before i go and have a proper look.

There goes another weekends plans.

Spoke to the postie today and it seems that the next estate has been badly hit. I guess they're moving on & as mine backs onto a little bit of play area they're using that as access.

ricklawn - 17/2/07 at 11:05 AM

bas@*rds want there bloody hands cutting off

NeilP - 17/2/07 at 11:06 AM

Sorry to hear of your troubles - If you got nice things they can often come back for seconds and thirds as they work out how to take the bigger bits - Mate of mine gone done three times and the little bastards waited until he'd had all of his good replaced by insurance...

I know its a pain but replace all main screws (hinges, joints) on the shed with coach bolts, reinforce the frame and door and fit a FO padlock - Most people end up doing this after being hit several times.

bob - 17/2/07 at 11:08 AM

Mike,have you noticed a lot of transit vans with caravans behind them lately in your area ?

Sorry to here of the news and hope your shed door doesnt take up the whole weekend.

jlparsons - 17/2/07 at 11:22 AM

Well, one good thing has come of it - I'm now resolved to put up the burglar alarm that's sat in its box under my stairs for six weeks.

NeilP either your avatar is bloody brilliant or you're seriously ugly.

dave-69isit - 17/2/07 at 11:23 AM

sorry to hear this mike not always traverlers thers scum in all walks off life

MikeR - 17/2/07 at 11:24 AM

Plan was to fix the idle control valve on the tin top - can't get to the dealers to get the gasket so thats going to have to wait. 2nd plan was to fit the garage security light, now i want a front and back security light for the garage but can only leave the house once the police have called.

Was also supposed to be going out tonight - think i might stay in.

ReMan - 17/2/07 at 12:06 PM

Bad luck mate. Hope the police take some notice and this is the last time

martin1973 - 17/2/07 at 12:22 PM

bad look.

maybe you should get some cctv cameras and a dsf card for your pc.

i've got cameras and 3 others houses and shed been done over down my street since october , think they see the cameras and go elsewhere i hope.

caber - 17/2/07 at 12:26 PM

Wire padlock to mains just remember to disconnect it before you go in. Illegal so make sure you can lose the evidence before feds turn up, that probably gives you an hour or so


MikeR - 17/2/07 at 12:56 PM

An hour - you're having a laugh.

nearly 9 hours wait for the police last sunday (original call to police 12:30am, repeat call 2am, 3am and 9am, turned up 9:15am - they made me wait up all night as they kept saying they'd be along soon and i had to wait up for them)

Phoned this morning before 10am - still not seen them. I appreciate that they have other more important emergancies, but this is ridiculous.

MikeR - 17/2/07 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by martin1973
bad look.

maybe you should get some cctv cameras and a dsf card for your pc.

i've got cameras and 3 others houses and shed been done over down my street since october , think they see the cameras and go elsewhere i hope.

Seriously considering it - just worried about the resolution not being worth it as i'd be installing them at around 4m high.

iank - 17/2/07 at 02:14 PM

Quite possible they went in the shed looking for tools to use to break into the house.

Don't set traps, whatever the temptation. If they get caught they get community service. Damage one the the b*st*rds and you'll get a couple of years

Peteff - 17/2/07 at 02:48 PM

I'd sleep in the shed. Get a battery powered shed alarm, the siren on them will wake everyone in the area, they won't hang around when it goes off. How do you wire a padlock to the mains, it will short the thing and blow your fuse won't it? A cow fence type thing might work and I know someone who connected an arc welder to his window grill when the window was smashed

MikeR - 17/2/07 at 11:53 PM

Finally had enough and called the police at 2:35. They're going to send round a PCSO (after i'd said what i figured out they mean a community support officer before the women had explained).

turns out it won't be today though, so i'd waited in for no reason - thanks a chuffing lot. Now got two more security lights wired in, spent a nervous night in the house so far waiting for their return. Got no intention of doing anything to them, i'm not a violent person and i'm scared of the retribution from the courts / scrotes mates.

Did think about the shed alarms but, they only seem to work on the door, really need a movement sensor one as its just as easy to put the window through. Need to have a proper look at the shed as well, it seems i've got nearly an inch gap in the top of hte door now. Oh, they didn't go in the shed looking for tools, they turned up with a screw driver to take the hinges off, it turned up with tools.

Today has been weird, all the waiting for the police to arrive and then the frustration when they say they're not coming, coupled with the frustration that i can't really stop them (unless i never leave the house) & the constant buying of extra security stuff is starting to get me down

rusty nuts - 18/2/07 at 09:07 AM

Bad luck mate, we had a break in at work a couple of weeks ago . They smashed a plate glass window and took the till in which our stupid Doris sales lady left £800 . Windows were replaced at the cost of £850 as was till. Last sunday window was smashed and till taken again although this time she had only left maybe £40 float in it. Now all money is taken out and till left in clear view with drawer open , perhaps they won't bother tonight?

chriscook - 18/2/07 at 09:08 AM

I put up a Xena XA601 garage alarm now that i've moved house and am in a more visible location. Battery powered and 360degree movement detector when fixed to the ceiling.

Ok so its not the ultimate in alarms but it might be enough to make some little ....... run.

MikeR - 18/2/07 at 09:52 AM

Also change your locks.

I thought they didn't get any house keys - but my digital camera seems to have gone missing. Definately didn't get it the day i was burgled as i had it on me & was taking pictures with it at Twickenham

Silly thing is i remember putting it on my kitchen table and thinking "oh, thats a bit obvious if someone comes in, Nah, they won't come back this quick".

Looking up the xena alarms and they look good. I just need a 15 second 'warning' before it goes off as i'll forget it and keep setting it off.

Brooky - 18/2/07 at 02:17 PM

Mike, the offer is still there.

DarrenW - 18/2/07 at 06:12 PM

Bloody hell Mike, im really sorry to hear your news. makes me feel sick just reading it. Im listening to all of the advice which is making me thing about our security. I hope you get sorted and the trouble stops soon. It must be tempting to try and catch the little scrotes but its not worth the agro, if they have a knife they could cause years of heartache rather than just a few weeks.

just a thought - does anyone have any contacts at a bike shop or similar where they stock the Xena alarms, i wonder if a group buy could be arranged. The PIR one looks great and portable.

chriscook - 19/2/07 at 12:40 PM

I ordered my Xena alarm from gear4bikes

If I hadn't already got one then I'd give them a ring and ask. Just noticed they also do optimates too....

MikeR - 19/2/07 at 07:47 PM


ignore the bit about them having stolen keys ....... errm. found the camera after searching the house 4 times. Seems i hid it when i left the house before i had the alarm and forgot about the hiding bit


damned good hiding place