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Ebay, foriegn buyers
steve m - 24/2/07 at 09:59 AM

i have just stuck some bits on ebay to sell, and within 15 mins already got a "buyer" in slovenia who is intrested
He has a 0 rating, yet has been on ebay since august 2006,

should i be wary, and stay clear of him, ??

Ive never dealt with anyone outside of the UK


nitram38 - 24/2/07 at 10:05 AM

If you up your postage to recorded/proof of postage and they pay with paypal, then no.
Just make sure you leave a few days before posting to make sure they don't cancel any creditcard or e-cheque payments.
I have sold stuff all around the world this way.

Coose - 24/2/07 at 10:23 AM

I sold a £1500 guitar to a man in Germany and was of course as wary as you are now. I made sure that he was happy to wait until his payment had cleared before I sent it, which he was. Due to the value of the guitar I sent it the equivalent of special delivery to his home address.

All thankfully went well, so if you protect yourself as much as possible you *should* be ok!

steve m - 24/2/07 at 10:39 AM

Thanks for the advice,

i will use all the best options



Micael - 24/2/07 at 01:37 PM

I'm an "international buyer". I have bought things from both US and UK.

If i would sell things overseas i would make sure that the buyer had a verified address on paypal. That way you know that the buyer uses his own credit card.

miniconverter - 24/2/07 at 02:28 PM

When sending things to places like Slovenia be very careful. Paypal is not safe when he receives the goods he is likely to tell paypal he has never received them and start a dispute with them and they are likely to refund him. This recently happened to a friend of mines daughter with a mobile phone. Luckily she had withdrawn the money from paypal but they are now chasing her for it. I have heard of this happening to a few people.

steve m - 24/2/07 at 03:25 PM

But surely if he pays by paypal, and i send it registered post, ie needs signing for then I dont have to refund him anything ??

or do I?

miniconverter - 24/2/07 at 04:01 PM

Think you will find you won't be able to get a copy of the signature from Slovenia there post office doesn't work like ours

Jon Ison - 24/2/07 at 05:26 PM

ups would tell you who signed for it and the time signed for, maybe worth getting a price from them and quoting him ?