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Density of Beef?
greggors84 - 4/3/07 at 04:55 PM

Need to work out the weight of a joint of beef, have no scales in the house, neither do the neighbours!

Its roughly 20 x 15 x 10 (cm)

Got it off a mates dad who is a dairy farmer, so no packet to go by!

Any one know a rough weight for a joint this size?

Blakey_boy - 4/3/07 at 04:56 PM

By rough size it should be around 5.5 to 6 kilos or 12 to 14 pounds in weight

Mansfield - 4/3/07 at 05:35 PM

Lordy! Is there no question that can be answered on here?

MikeR - 4/3/07 at 06:11 PM

Try this one.......

How can i get Camaron Diaz to marry me?

ELO - 4/3/07 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by MikeR

How can i get Camaron Diaz to marry me?

You could start by asking her
No harm trying eh? Except her saying "no" and ruining an otherwise unhealthy obsession


Macbeast - 4/3/07 at 06:57 PM

Call yourself a builder ?
Don't you have a plank of wood, a beer bottle and a bag of sugar ? Does the word "fulcrum" ring any bells ?

watsonpj - 4/3/07 at 08:27 PM

do you sell plansfor Cameron diaz made from those items i'm sure you'll make a killing.

Confused but excited. - 4/3/07 at 09:55 PM

Simon - 4/3/07 at 10:17 PM

Have you got a full bag of sugar, a couple of bits of wood and a ruler.

Make a seesaw with beef one end, bag of suger (which will have its weight on it) on the other.

Move beef towards pivot until they balance, then measure distances to each etc etc




greggors84 - 5/3/07 at 12:27 AM

Thought about the seesaw method, but we have nothing we know the weight of! To be honest I thought it would be interesting to see if it could be answered on here! No wonder we are getting lazy when all questions can be answered here!

By the way we guessed the rough weight of the beef and it was lovely!

Simon - 5/3/07 at 07:48 PM

Measuring jug, with a litre of water is a kilo

Glad you enjoyed it!



MikeR - 5/3/07 at 09:09 PM

note quite, its 1kilo + weight of the jug. Take a 1 litre plastic bottle, weighs sod all, that would be closer to a true kilo.

greggors84 - 5/3/07 at 10:51 PM

Yeah, maybe if I had put a little more thought into it!

But yesterday after 2 very big nights out on the trot, it was easier to ask here!