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women and cars, true story no. 8501
02GF74 - 25/3/07 at 06:12 PM

A friend oif mine, a woman, has a nissan xtrail. I don't know where she thinks the fluid for windscreen washers comes from but on at least 2 occassions now I had to top it for her.
I pointed out the washer icon on the cap as I filled it up with water/washing up mix. I then checked the oil level - a touch over ... which surprised me as I didn't expect her to top it up. (all other times it eas low or off the dispstick).

She explains she had done it and put in oil as the guage inside was reading half full. ..... hmmm this guage turned out to be the water temperature guage!!

Peteff - 25/3/07 at 06:18 PM

they will put "One lady owner" in the advert, as if that's a good thing A few years ago my sister was looking for cars and we saw one she fancied, one lady owner as stated above. I asked to look under the bonnet and found the lever to open it. It was seized solid. We went home then.

NigeEss - 25/3/07 at 06:59 PM

They are quite remarkable creatures indeed.

I was half way through a cambelt change when it started to rain and decided to retire to the garage to finish.
So asked the other half to steer whilst I push (disconnected the battery just in case SWMBO tries to start it).
Now bearing in mind I have a steep drive so used the Landy to push it, of we go.

Couple of feet and there's rather a lot of resistance. Hops out to make sure she's not on the brakes to find
she'd put the thing in gear

Only because I'd left a spanner on the crank which hit the subframe did I avoid disaster.

Women. Gotta love'em.

oily85 - 25/3/07 at 08:03 PM

My aunt once put oil in the header tank, as she couldn't get the oil filler cap off, and reasoned that as it was under the bonnet, the oil would get to the engine.

wheelfelloff - 25/3/07 at 08:33 PM

A friend and I were out tearing about in his old ford before he went off to see his girlfriend. Events were stopped by horrible knocking sounds from bottom end of the engine and zero oil pressure. Not too bad thought my friend I will ring girlfriend to explain and then spend the night drinking beer.

Rang girlfriend and explained "big ends have gone", needs engine out taken to local engineers for machining and then completely rebuilt new shells, rings etc. etc

Girlfriends reply, OK then but don't be later than 8 o'clock we got to take my mum to bingo

Much beer and laughter followed.



blakep82 - 25/3/07 at 09:01 PM

what does SWMBO mean? I know its the wife/girlfriend/missus, but what does it stand for?

Hellfire - 25/3/07 at 09:30 PM

She who must be obeyed.

RazMan - 25/3/07 at 09:37 PM

She Who Must Be Obeyed

There's always the story about the woman who asked for some '710' from a bemused garage attendant. Her oil cap was apparently on upside down ........... awww bless

Chippy - 25/3/07 at 10:37 PM

Some years ago my SWMBO backed her car out of the garage drive, straight into the side of my motor, which was parked over the end of the drive. Turned out to be a write of, and Oh! boy did that take some explaining to the claims adjuster. Ray

G.Man - 26/3/07 at 04:14 AM

You should never use washing up liquid in washer jets...

It gums up the jets and then they stop working altogether...

Use proper washer fluid, she will thank you in the long run...

turbodisplay - 26/3/07 at 09:42 AM

I remember when i first went out with my SWMBO and her friend.
Afterwards i went to my car, and they went to the friends car. Got a call that the car wouln`t start, came over turned the key, engine started.

"How did you do that!" they said. "ER i didn't do anything!"

It was the ignition lock!
she had it for a year without ever realising you have to release pressure on the lock by a light twist of the steering wheel!

DarrenW - 26/3/07 at 09:52 AM

A few years back my wife went to work, only a few miles. When she got there she mentioned that the car sounded a little rattly and that a gauge was low. The lads were quizzing her about the gauge. She told them it had a little can and the letters psi on it. One of them quick as a flash told her it was an oil gauge and the letters mean Put Some In.

iank - 26/3/07 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by G.Man
You should never use washing up liquid in washer jets...

It gums up the jets and then they stop working altogether...

Use proper washer fluid, she will thank you in the long run...

It also has quite a bit of salt in it...

02GF74 - 26/3/07 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by G.Man
You should never use washing up liquid in washer jets...

It gums up the jets and then they stop working altogether...

Use proper washer fluid, she will thank you in the long run...

It also has quite a bit of salt in it...

How much salt will there be in 1 teaspoon? And when that is diluted in 1 litre of water, is that going to make that much of a difference?

Anyway, the rain will wash it off soon enough.

iank - 26/3/07 at 10:37 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by G.Man
You should never use washing up liquid in washer jets...

It gums up the jets and then they stop working altogether...

Use proper washer fluid, she will thank you in the long run...

It also has quite a bit of salt in it...

How much salt will there be in 1 teaspoon? And when that is diluted in 1 litre of water, is that going to make that much of a difference?

Anyway, the rain will wash it off soon enough.

As an ex-mini owner you avoid every little bit of salt in the windscreen area, traditional rust trap. Modern cars aren't nearly as bad, but spraying brine on your bodywork isn't I'd do to save a couple of quid.