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One careful owner!
Mr Whippy - 2/4/07 at 09:22 AM

Just a bit of fun. one of my very old bluebirds gearbox is coming too pieces, not that I’m worried mind as I have got hold of an excellent replacement but for a laugh and just plain curiosity I have decided to drive (really means hammer and tow heavy trailers!) the old gearbox till something goes bang!!

So the question is…given all the lots of funny clanking and whining noises coming from it, what do you think will break first? Oh and I think the thrust bearing may go very soon as it’s almost as loud as the engine

Hopefully it won’t last much longer and I will soon be able to hear the stereo

Oh I should have mentioned that is in such a mess cos I drove for 2 months praticing changing gear without the clutch (got very good at that) don't ask why! and then I towed some Landrovers and then the 6V Capri (that car wrecked the back struts ), oh dear, it's amazing it works at all...

[Edited on 2/4/07 by Mr Whippy]

arrybradbury - 2/4/07 at 09:38 AM

Lol, i love stuff like this. I've currently got a lecturer that took a volvo up to about 100mph - clutch in - 1st gear selected - clutch out - you can imagine the rest

dilley - 2/4/07 at 09:41 AM

Reverse is better if you can get it in!!

grahamgg - 2/4/07 at 09:42 AM

why dont you just take it upto 6000rpm and drop the clutch see what breaks first,like they do on american chopper when they have had enough of a old car..

nib1980 - 2/4/07 at 09:43 AM

It's a NIssan it will never break, drain the oil and you may have a chance

coozer - 2/4/07 at 09:46 AM

Wow, nice avatar Graham...

In the distant past when I used to drive buses for Sunderland Corporation we still had a couple of old back door manual double deckers.
To get rid of them because they were a pain to drive compared to the new auto's the old boys would get them up to top speed, 45mph! then ram them into reverse. BANG! That was the end of them

tegwin - 2/4/07 at 09:47 AM

I always wondered what would happen if you get up to 100mph and then dump it into 1st...

I guess you would drop a conrod

Mr Whippy - 2/4/07 at 09:55 AM

one of my friends just after he passed his test wiped out his engine by select 1st instead of 3rd we never opened it up but it wouldn't even rotate so something was bent.

As for it never breaking cos its a nissan, hmm I've managed to break quite a bit of it already, if it refuses I'll just tie it to a tree and try to pull it down. That should get a cog to snap

scoobyis2cool - 2/4/07 at 10:23 AM

Hehe I like the sound of this little 'project'. I did a similar thing with an old sierra I was sending to the scrappy - after driving it for a few weeks practicing my heel-and-toe technique I decided to see what would happen if I shoved it into 1st at 50mph. Answer - a big bang and lots of grinding, shortly followed by a phone call to my dad to come and tow me home


Mr Whippy - 2/4/07 at 10:55 AM

The best thing to with and old banger is to take it to the beach especially if the tyres are bald as they work better on the sand. Pull the seatbelts real tight and fly off the dunes fab!

I once used my sisters Orion and strangely she refused to take it back and demanded I paid her for it, what a moan there was hardly any damage

caber - 2/4/07 at 11:36 AM

Scooby, just think some poor sod is probably trying to use you r old sierra as a donor


scoobyis2cool - 2/4/07 at 11:41 AM

lol, true, if so they're in for a nice surprise when they check out the gearbox In my defence I did try to switch the GB with a spare I had lying around, but when I did the anti-roll bar mounts sheared off and I really couldn't be arsed to repair it so I just took a few bits off it and sent it to the great scrapheap in the sky!

Sandracing, now that sounds like fun! I can't imagine why your sister would get angry, perhaps she wanted to be your co-driver?
