I bought an angle grinder the other day to cut off some bolts that were proving troublesome. I got a standard metal cutting disc from B&Q and was
wondering how long they are meant to last and how do you know when they are dead. I have cut through about 7 bolts and now it is taking ages to get
through. Is it finished yet or shall i soldier on.
Also what places sell discs at good prices, screwfix direct sell 5 for £2 but charge £6 delivery, B&Q charge £2 for 1, but i cant see me needing
the 5 discs from screwfix.
get the stainless steel cutting discs from screwfix,order lots of nuts and bolts(your gonna need them)and carrage is free
The discs don't blunt but they wear down. when they don't reach the metal they are worn out. Machine Mart aren't bad prices if you are
near one. I get 14" blades for my chop saw there for less than Screwfix prices. Carriage is free from Screwfix if you order £45 worth or more,
good if you need tools but it's a hell of a lot of nuts and bolts.
yours, Pete.
get a job where they use them, box's of 20 for nothing is the best value i know of