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who is right? legal problem
froggy - 6/5/07 at 10:01 AM

a customer brought a 97 megane in for service on friday ,she locked the car and left the keys in reception.i went out to the car pressed the plip and nothing happened so i unlock the car manually and try to start it--- nothing, so i phone the customer tell them whats happened and a couple of hours later she arrives with another key which also doesnt work.she then tells me that she went to renault a few days earlier and they couldnt get her old key to work quoted her a few hundred quid for new keys which she didnt want to do,so as she arrives i am under the bonnet with the cover off the ecu writing down the numbers so i can see if it the non gel filled unit which i know can be opened and the immobilisor by passed and i explain what im doing to her.i then asked her to phone renault and get the four digit pin so i can manually enter it and then try to re code the key ,she comes back with the pin and i put it in for her,she tells me she is taking it straight up to renault and thats that i thought, WRONG!!! . an hour later i get a call from her son in law telling me to get up to this womans house and sort this car NOW!! its my fault and im going to pay for this to be fixed. i do my best to tell him whats happened and said that as a gesture of goodwill i will pay for immobilisor to be bypassed but i could not get it done until the following morning. yesterday morning just as i open the doors and send the lads out to pick this car up and drop it at the auto sparks place she phones up telling me that the car is now at renault who say no one is allowed to touch the immobilisor and she is going to trading standards because i broke it even though she admited that the other key failed last week and the car was booked in to the renault dealer its at now for the same job ie key coding this thursday.
as far as i can see ive done my best to help her even though its just bad luck that the other key failed whilst the car was with me. it would have cost me £90 to gwt the immobilisor by passed where as renault are going to shaft her good style

BenB - 6/5/07 at 10:19 AM

What do they mean "no-one can touch the immobiliser". Presumably they're not doing it under warranty? In which case they just want to blame someone for the immobiliser going south.

I'd just point out.

a) the immobiliser was clearly screwed to begin with (one set of keys dying is unlucky, two sets of keys simultaneously dying is BS)

b) she had already taken it to Renault but didn't like their price to mend the immobiliser

c) Taking the lid off the immobiliser box doesn't break it

To be honest you probably did yourself a diservice by offering to pay for the immobiliser bypassed. I would just request that next time they take a car to service they make sure the engine actually runs, and that bits on a car that are broken remain so until you fix them

novacaine - 6/5/07 at 10:33 AM

i think what she must have thought when renault said that "no one other than renault can work on the immobiliser" she thought that "no one, by law can touch the immobiliser" when they acctualy mean "if you want your guarentee, you have to get the problem fixed by us" and she therefore thinks that you are in the
wrong for working on it....which you
arent, the immobiliser was clearly F*ked before you touched it so i can see no way that you have done anything wrong so trading standards wont want to know,

she hasnt got a legal leg to stand on...

[Edited on 6/5/07 by novacaine]

andybod - 6/5/07 at 10:33 AM

key's went down on my old megane renault wouldn't give me the 4 digit code i'm a mechanic and we deal with them for parts etc they told me it's confidential to renault dealers i'de even got car booked in for keys and programming only wanted to get it started and drive to them if you had thought you could damage anything you wouldn't have touched it i would have thought that by admitting they already had immobiliser faults then you can not be held responsible may be worth phoning another renault dealer try and get code

froggy - 6/5/07 at 10:38 AM

i didnt even touch the car just walked up and tryed to start it, the son in law said it was the way i got into the car now i may not be the worlds best mechanic but i normally manage to get in and start the car without too much trouble!!
ive had this problem many times before with all the renaults of that era and if its not the key its the transponder in the roof which gets damp and corrodes which is why i have it cut out completely.
i think ive done more than most garages would do and their attitude has stunk so they can go and f$$ck themselves

i thought it was a bit sus that they got the code so easily from renault ,i think the truth is that they went to renault this week and wrote down the 4 digit pin when they tried to re code the first key that broke

[Edited on 6/5/07 by froggy]

froggy - 6/5/07 at 10:54 AM

what really boils my blood is we try hard to send everyone away happy at my place ,like on saturday i had a another megane in for a washer pump which went a bit tits up so i sent the lad out to get a used one ,the customer turns up and i tell him its going to be another hour and run him back home ,when i brought the car in i notice that the seat had torn out of the runner on the drivers side so i whip the seat out weld it up and put it back, picked the guy up and he paid his bill i told him ive fixed your seat and he doesnt even say thanks

sparrks - 6/5/07 at 12:32 PM

if you need the code email the numbers inside the key i have a program to get the pin codes on renaults with the tear drop key


froggy - 6/5/07 at 01:28 PM

she went away and got the number from renault which i thought was odd and after i keyed it in it ran ,ive never got renault to release the codes before they always say bring the car in to which i say nutsack and have the imobilisor cut out

hillbillyracer - 6/5/07 at 07:58 PM

I dont think you have anything to worry about, if they think you have damaged their car whilst working on it then they at least must give you the chance to put it right. You win on two points: 1 you havnt damaged their car, 2 they havnt given you any chance to put it right.
We dont get many customers like that but it does happen & I understand your anger at someone who doesnt appreciate your efforts & wont listen to reason despite their lack of knowledge on the subject.

[Edited on 6/5/07 by hillbillyracer]