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insurance q
oadamo - 6/5/07 at 12:39 PM

ive just been to my parents house parked up on the drive. then when we was going i reversed off onto the garages across the road and hit a car but this car was parked up with no tax not its a p reg metro the guy said that he had just bought it he came running out of the house so i gave him my details.but because its private land can he claim off me do you no where i stand because it has no tax mot or insuance thanks adam

12a RX-7 - 6/5/07 at 12:44 PM

I don't think it matters, it's damage to third party property, if you had reversed into his fence it'd not have it's own insurance or tax etc. but it'd still come out of your insurance.

oadamo - 6/5/07 at 12:50 PM

he told me he paid £50 for it i bet my insurance will go up by £200

Hellfire - 6/5/07 at 12:55 PM

IIWM - I think I would persue it legitimately. Yes you are liable for the damage. However, if he has no legal recourse then who is he going to get to represent him? He has to claim from his insurance company who reclaim it from yours. As he has no insurance how is he going to do that? Get a picture of the damage with a date and if it goes further you have evidence.

If it was parked on a public highway then it is not private property. It should have either SORN or Tax... maybe the police would be interested? But I guess if it's not going to generate them any revenue they will not be interested. Good luck!


SeaBass - 6/5/07 at 01:07 PM

Slip him £50??

oadamo - 6/5/07 at 01:13 PM

he bought it for his girlfreind that is having lessons and its not in his name yet.
i had £100 on me that i offered him but he was having none of it. so i just gave him my details.

(who is he going to get to represent him? )
i think you have nailed it lol

arrybradbury - 6/5/07 at 01:16 PM

He paid £50 for it but wouldn't accept £100 Is he mad??

oadamo - 6/5/07 at 01:22 PM

i taken the pics on my dads camera ill upload them later. i think the cars a right off i hit the back panel and i taken out his wheel arch. theres never anything parked on there so i reversed at i bit of speed lol

oadamo - 6/5/07 at 01:23 PM

well there was this time

omega 24 v6 - 6/5/07 at 01:24 PM

Tell him it's your duty under the road traffi act to notify the police of an accident. You'll nned a number from them to notify your insurance any ways. At this point HOPEFully ask him for his details so you can give them to the police (not really required but might make him take the £100 or less) also tell him that they'll want a statement from him as well (they prolly wont). I wouldn't pay up purely ont the fact that he got it home without insurance (what if HE'D hit another car).As for the private land thing I don't know but it's the sort of thing supermarkets put up the (your own risk )signs for so you can't sue them. I think your own insurers could find their own way out of paying for this one. However as you say it might end up costing you

owelly - 6/5/07 at 01:53 PM

The 'private land' thing is a bit of a odd-ball. If the car is parked 'in a public place' it is classed as the highway. An example given to me by a traffic cop was if you have a garden party then your garden becomes a 'public place'. Any drunks driving in your garden can be done for DD. If you have the gates shut and no guests, then you can drive around pi$$ed.
This makes me think that yhe car you ran into should have Tax, MoT and insurance if it was kept in a 'public place'.
I got a producer for having a car parked on waste moorland next to my Ma's house. Thankfully, I managed to get an MoT for it and get it taxed the same day!!
IIWY, I'd tell the guy you need his details for your insurance company and that you insurance company are wanting a crime number from the police so you need to inform the BiB. It's a big fat lie but it should make him realise what a chump he is been. You've done more than most would have to put things right!

[Edited on 6/5/07 by owelly]

oadamo - 6/5/07 at 02:05 PM

i offerd to pay because i already pay 700 a year insurance and if he does claim ill lose my no claims and it will go up even more.but i didnt tell him that. its not that iam trying to get out of it but i just dont want a huge insurance bill when i think i could of payed cash for what the car was worth.

owelly - 6/5/07 at 02:34 PM

He probably saw you bump his car and saw it as a chance to make some cash.
Offer him £50 and if he says no, tell him you'll need his insurance details to pass on to your insurance company.

zetec - 6/5/07 at 04:13 PM

Yep agree with the insurance bit. There is no reasons for the car to be uninsured in a public place, if it is uninsured it should not be parked on the road. It is his duty to supply his insurance details in the case of an accident, this is a good time never to admit you were to blame!

mark chandler - 6/5/07 at 05:09 PM

I do not believe he can claim against you personally with insurance, they only talk to each other so if he was not insured he is stuffed with regards to claiming against you that way.

Okay its unfair but you did offer to buy the car, I would just ignore anything in the post about this, it will die away quite quickly.

Unless you tell your insurance company you have had an accident it has not happened, passing details across or not.

His recourse is small claims court, offer to buy the car again if he shows a reciept to be fair.

nb/ Please do not drive into me !

Regards Mark

oadamo - 7/5/07 at 05:14 PM

heres the pics of the car what do you think write off ?

i think i knocked the filler out lol

MikeRJ - 7/5/07 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by HellfireHe has to claim from his insurance company who reclaim it from yours. As he has no insurance how is he going to do that?

You don't have to go through your own insurance, you can contact the third parties insurance and deal with them directly.

I think the Metro was a write off before you hit it!

[Edited on 7/5/07 by MikeRJ]

jacko - 7/5/07 at 06:08 PM

I believe a super market car park is private land [owned by the market ] but because it is not locked it is classed as right of way so you must have mot insurance tax is the land the car is parked on like this [ open to the public]

oadamo - 7/5/07 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by jacko
I believe a super market car park is private land [owned by the market ] but because it is not locked it is classed as right of way so you must have mot insurance tax is the land the car is parked on like this [ open to the public]

theres a bit of land infront of the garages
about a cars length by 4 wide but theres no fence or anything.theres a footpath road footpath garages. thats why i just reversed onto it to drive off up the road