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Is UK part of Europe????? Discuss
DarrenW - 12/5/07 at 09:34 PM

EV would certainly say no.

StevieB - 12/5/07 at 09:38 PM

Geographically, yes
Economically - halfway house between Europe and US
Socially - not even close!

bigrich - 12/5/07 at 09:39 PM

we don,t seem to be in the Eurovision either" nil poins"

nib1980 - 12/5/07 at 09:40 PM

I'm just listening to terry, he makes me laugh every time!

I love speed :-P - 12/5/07 at 09:48 PM

Originally posted by bigrich
we don,t seem to be in the Eurovision either" nil poins"

not anymore

bigrich - 12/5/07 at 09:49 PM

praise the lord for Malta

matt.c - 12/5/07 at 10:12 PM

Originally posted by chris mason
Wogan makes it entertaining,
to be honest no other country likes us, the EU would be a poorer place without us though, shut all doors to the immigrants and look after ourselves, stop wasting money fighting other peoples battles and we'd be ok.
it's like a England v's Scotland/Wales/Ireland thing, just like the rest of europe they don't like too see us do well, eurovision is Uk based, but because England is part of the Uk, Thats it.

Stuff em!!!!!


Well said that man!! I wish you would run the country!

Alez - 12/5/07 at 10:18 PM

Pardon??? You guys have to be joking

The UK is part of the EU, and that is not only a reality (like it or not) but also a clear win-win scenario.

BenB - 12/5/07 at 10:21 PM

Oh that was fun!!!
Bulgaria had my vote.. Ukraine a close second....

scottc - 12/5/07 at 10:25 PM

When did Russia become part of Europe?

Chippy - 12/5/07 at 10:27 PM

Actualy the UK is not part of anything, as its just a load of parts itself, England, Scotland, Wales, and N/Irland, all of whome wish to go there own way. Next we will be having home rule for Yorkshire, (or some other county) all seems bl**dy stupid to me. That old saying keeps coming to mind, "United we stand, divided we fall". Heck! must get a bigger soap box. Ray.

BenB - 12/5/07 at 10:46 PM

Of course if Wales, Scotland, Yorkshire, Kent, Essex and Suffolk did become seperate countries then we would win

Same as the way that ex-Yugoslavian or ex-Russian countries will win EV for the next millenium cos there are so many countries with common social backgrounds...

Oh well... All supposed to be a bit of fun!!

RK - 13/5/07 at 02:40 AM

None of my business what goes on over there. I'm from the colonies.

However, I think you get a group of people together and sooner or later there will be some git who tries to find differences: one's got bluer eyes, the other's got darker skin, different religion, etc etc. I personally didn't think much of the Irish who have immigrated to Canada. Then, my sister did a genealogical study, and sure enough: "we're part Irish". Well, I'll be darned.

theconrodkid - 13/5/07 at 07:17 AM

europe?where,s that?

wilkingj - 13/5/07 at 08:57 AM

Unfortunately we are part of the EU.

IMHO we should.

1. Withdraw ALL our troops, and then use them to actively guard our own borders, to prevent Illegal entry. I have no problem with Legal imigration.

2. Those that have NOT had their Asylum cases approved / accepted, should be shipped out of the country back to where they came from within 7 days.

3. Stop Paying any Foreign Aid. Then use the money to fix our own problems in the UK.
I have no problem with Foreign Aid, but Charity starts at Home. Especially whilst we have homeless and sick people not getting proper teatment in the NHS Lottery etc.

4. Anyone coming to live in the UK should NOT be eligible for ANY benefits until they have paid UK Taxes and NI for (say) 5 years.
They were not born here, so have not contributed to the country. Why should they drain its resources.

Radical? Maybe.. But why should we house, feed, and pay people to come here and live.

Perhaps then the number of people wanting to live in the country would fall, and then the congestion on the roads, and the pressure on the NHS and schools would lessen making it a better place to live.

[Edited on 13/5/2007 by wilkingj]

smart51 - 13/5/07 at 09:12 AM

the UK is much more European than American in its outlook, despite our fondness of their music and films. Scratch the surface of America to see what's underneath and we would strongly dislike what we see.

Europe is not a homogenous whole though. Britain is more like north west Europe than the south or east. If we engaged with the EU more, as the joint 2nd biggest country (with France) things would go a lot more our way. It seems, politically at least, that we deliberatly stay at arms length and then whinge that we don't like the decisions that the others came to.

As for Russia, Europe extends as far as the Ural mountains, well inside Russia; more so than Turkey or Israel.

24vseven - 13/5/07 at 10:48 AM

i only have on thought about this whole uk europe debate
our parents grandparents and greatrandparents didnt fight and in somecases loose there lifes four our indipendence to have it taken away rom us by the back door politics with people trying to create a super country
we are surrounded by water for a reason we are our own country with our own customs and way of life
up the fish and chips and a pint of propper bitter
i realise not everyone out there will agree with me we are all adults and capeable of respecting other peoples oppinions with out starting a war about it
anyway thats my piece said now wheres that bloody menu i need to order a kebeb

StevieB - 13/5/07 at 11:17 AM

The UK has the finest armed forces in the world for one reason alone - there's only been one day that UK troops haven't been involved in an armed conflict on any scale - the day after the Suez Crisis was over. Bring them home and we lose all that experience.

As for the rest, watch the film Children of Men - it portrays a very harsh reality of exactly what you just suggested!

Originally posted by wilkingj
Unfortunately we are part of the EU.

IMHO we should.

1. Withdraw ALL our troops, and then use them to actively guard our own borders, to prevent Illegal entry. I have no problem with Legal imigration.

2. Those that have NOT had their Asylum cases approved / accepted, should be shipped out of the country back to where they came from within 7 days.

3. Stop Paying any Foreign Aid. Then use the money to fix our own problems in the UK.
I have no problem with Foreign Aid, but Charity starts at Home. Especially whilst we have homeless and sick people not getting proper teatment in the NHS Lottery etc.

4. Anyone coming to live in the UK should NOT be eligible for ANY benefits until they have paid UK Taxes and NI for (say) 5 years.
They were not born here, so have not contributed to the country. Why should they drain its resources.

Radical? Maybe.. But why should we house, feed, and pay people to come here and live.

Perhaps then the number of people wanting to live in the country would fall, and then the congestion on the roads, and the pressure on the NHS and schools would lessen making it a better place to live.

[Edited on 13/5/2007 by wilkingj]

chrisg - 13/5/07 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Chippy
Actualy the UK is not part of anything, as its just a load of parts itself, England, Scotland, Wales, and N/Irland, all of whome wish to go there own way. Next we will be having home rule for Yorkshire, (or some other county) all seems bl**dy stupid to me. That old saying keeps coming to mind, "United we stand, divided we fall". Heck! must get a bigger soap box. Ray.

That, my friend, is a cracking idea!



Alan B - 13/5/07 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by smart51
.......... Scratch the surface of America to see what's underneath and we would strongly dislike what we see.......................

Would you care to elaborate?

I'm puzzled.

I've lived here 13 years, and although not perfect, it's a great place to live.

David Jenkins - 13/5/07 at 12:07 PM

My VERY personal opinion is that we should jump into Europe with both feet, and lead from the front (just like France and Germany).

It's our pussy-footing about that stops it working for us.


24vseven - 13/5/07 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
My VERY personal opinion is that we should jump into Europe with both feet, and lead from the front (just like France and Germany).


David dont get me wrong i respect your opinion but are these not the two countrys who have repeatdly tryed to take over europe before this time there using politics rather than war
like i say our relitves fought to stop this now people want to forget all this

David Jenkins - 13/5/07 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by 24vseven
David dont get me wrong i respect your opinion but are these not the two countrys who have repeatdly tryed to take over europe before this time there using politics rather than war
like i say our relitves fought to stop this now people want to forget all this

That's why I'd prefer that we were keeping them busy in the Euro parliament than on the battlefield!

24vseven - 13/5/07 at 04:51 PM

That's why I'd prefer that we were keeping them busy in the Euro parliament than on the battlefield!

David fair point lol

any one suggest some strange laws we can put to them to keep them busy

Peteff - 13/5/07 at 06:21 PM

It seems the banana straighteners and Hoover silencers are all over there thinking of laws for us to follow while ignoring them themselves. Every time anyone mentions stopping subsidies for French farmers the place goes haywire. If this plan ever come together we will be able to travel from UK to America without getting our feet wet.

I love speed :-P - 13/5/07 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
we will be able to travel from UK to America without getting our feet wet.

What has happened to all the planes

wilkingj - 13/5/07 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
My VERY personal opinion is that we should jump into Europe with both feet,

It's our pussy-footing about that stops it working for us.


Only a FOOL tests the depth of the water with BOTH Feet

As you said its your personal opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.
A fully integrated Federal EU would make it the largest trading nation on the planet.
Thats what its all about.. Trade, Money and Power. Nothing new in that, except the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

As for the earleir comment about the USA. Most of them are European Dropouts They just left the EU a few too many years before the EU was even thought of.
Maybe their ancestors knew something we have not yet realised

[Edited on 13/5/2007 by wilkingj]

Alez - 13/5/07 at 07:39 PM

My VERY personal opinion is that we should jump into Europe with both feet, and lead from the front (just like France and Germany).

+1 here. The EU is a big reality and the UK has the unique opportunity to lead it unlike most other countries. I don't think it's a good move to miss that train. A little (related) example: I've been following the euro to pound exchange rate for a few years now, guess what, the pound has been going down very slowly but steadily. As I say, the EU is a reality, a big one, and a growing one (I don't mean in number of countries here).

Would you care to elaborate?

I'm puzzled.

I've lived here 13 years, and although not perfect, it's a great place to live.

A little example shows my personal opinion: the US people / culture will use "America" for "US". To many people that hasn't a meaning, but others have a strong feeling about some facts that make the US special on their approach to the rest of the world. I won't take it beyond that because my English is very poor, I realize it's a tricky subject and I have much sympathy for everyone here, don't want to p_ss anyone off by mistake.



David Jenkins - 13/5/07 at 07:42 PM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Only a FOOL tests the depth of the water with BOTH Feet

Maybe I'll get a snorkel!

smart51 - 13/5/07 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Alan B
Originally posted by smart51
.......... Scratch the surface of America to see what's underneath and we would strongly dislike what we see.......................

Would you care to elaborate?

America has a somwhat different benefit system to the UK. IN the US, you can only claim for so-many year in your whole life and there are more conditions. Put simply, loose you're screwed.

They have a lower standard of public health care too. If you can't pay and the holspital has used up its welfare budget, you get sent home.

Education is somewhat less in parts of the country. You can have more but you have to pay hansomely.

The gap between wide and poor is generally wider too. If you have money, you can have whatever you want. If you don't then you can just F-off. Europe is more left-wing in comparison. Scandinavian countries are much bigger on enclusive welfare, healthcare, education, maternity / paternity leave than most, at the cost of the tax payer. The UK less so but is more European than the American model.

True, I haven't spent much time in the US but behind the main streets and gated high-end residential areas is another world that would raise British eyebrows. I guess it's worse in some places than others.

t.j. - 15/5/07 at 06:44 PM

Come on Guys,

Europe Rules,
The Euro is 1.35 U$.

The euro is used by the companies, bars, restaurants at the beginning.
Cause the lack of knowing what you're paying.

Now 5 years later the economy is growing.
Salary not enough

But I think on the long run: "a big stable, trading europe is much stronger then little countries"

The swiss, monaco are only rich by there tax-paradies.
So if you don't want to be a part of Europe, on the long run , buying stuff in Europe will be expensive.

Take that Euro and make Europe stronger!
I only live in a little district of Europe called Netherlands.

BTW: USA= Chrome won't bring you home

[Edited on 15/5/07 by t.j.]

Peteff - 15/5/07 at 06:56 PM

and today the GB Pound is 1.98558 USD. So what? If you don't want anything from USA it's no use to you at all. 1 GBP = 1.46083 EUR so I'll stick with Pounds for now thanks.

t.j. - 15/5/07 at 07:21 PM

Hi Pete,

What if 1 Euro has the same value as 2 pound?
I still think together we are stronger!

Chinese ecomnomy grows. UK has to import stuff, so on the long run you'll have to take that Euro!

changing now is better than wait untill UK economy is bad and the pound is only half an euro.

Visiting across Europe is a lot funnier BTW.

Alez - 25/6/07 at 07:30 AM

Would you care to elaborate?

I'm puzzled.

I've lived here 13 years, and although not perfect, it's a great place to live.

Recent example (one of many)..

"Take the thousands of Filipino children who die every year courtesy of the formula milk corporates, backed by US lobbying",,2095677,00.html

"[...]The US embassy and the US regional trade representative started lobbying the Philippines government. Then the chief executive of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington - which represents 3m businesses - wrote a letter to the president of the Philippines, Gloria Arroyo. The new rules, he claimed, would have "unintended negative consequences for investors' confidence". The country's reputation "as a stable and viable destination for investment is at risk". Four days later, the supreme court reversed its decision and imposed the restraining order Phap had requested. It remains in force today. The government is currently unable to prevent companies from breaking the international code."

BKLOCO - 25/6/07 at 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Alez
Would you care to elaborate?

I'm puzzled.

I've lived here 13 years, and although not perfect, it's a great place to live.

Recent example (one of many)..

"Take the thousands of Filipino children who die every year courtesy of the formula milk corporates, backed by US lobbying",,2095677,00.html

"[...]The US embassy and the US regional trade representative started lobbying the Philippines government. Then the chief executive of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington - which represents 3m businesses - wrote a letter to the president of the Philippines, Gloria Arroyo. The new rules, he claimed, would have "unintended negative consequences for investors' confidence". The country's reputation "as a stable and viable destination for investment is at risk". Four days later, the supreme court reversed its decision and imposed the restraining order Phap had requested. It remains in force today. The government is currently unable to prevent companies from breaking the international code."

And another.
THE REAL THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!