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rjs - 23/5/07 at 05:54 PM

i know this has been on here before but got this email today , photo in archive .


Please read this message and pass it on!!!!!!!!!

As you are aware my niece, Madeleine, is still missing and I am asking everyone I know to send this as a chain letter i.e. you send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same, as the story is only being covered in Britain, Eire and Portugal. We don't believe that she is in Portugal anymore and need to get her picture and the story across Europe as quickly as possible. Suggestions are welcome.

Phil McCann




UncleFista - 23/5/07 at 06:04 PM

I'm pretty sure that anyone who wants/needs info about the poor lass doesn't need an inbox full of chain-emails to help 'em.

I'm not having a go at anyone, but that email sounds like a classic pyramid/chain letter to me

I can't see what good it could possibly do

My thought are with the family though

StevieB - 23/5/07 at 06:25 PM

In a way, I agree.

However, it's a pretty grim situation and as soon as the profile drops, it'll dissapear from the press, which lowers the chances of a sighting. The problem is that faces are fairly generic unless you're familiar with them. By keeping the news story's going, it gives some hope that someone might spot her by chance.

[Edited on 23/5/07 by StevieB]

rjs - 23/5/07 at 06:52 PM

Far comments to a point. But I know for a fact my brother in-law has just returned from working abroad & hadn’t heard anything about it until landing over here , so yes some people still don’t know , he could have walked past her & not known.
& I know a lot of members on here live abroad .

Werner Van Loock - 23/5/07 at 07:02 PM

I can tell that most people in Belgium know of her.

Even the missing children organisation "Child Focus" put up signs in all Total petrol stations throughout belgium aswell as in newspapershops.

And as being a father of a 4 year old myself, I really hope they find her soon, and maybe weird to say, but either dead or alive, worst thing I can imagine is that she would just stay unfound, it'll haunt them for the rest of their lives.

andrews_45 - 23/5/07 at 07:34 PM

god bless her, and her family

birt - 23/5/07 at 09:45 PM

It's all over the news over here in Oz too.

Hellfire - 23/5/07 at 09:59 PM

My heart goes out to the little girls parents and family, it really does. I'm also confident that if she is alive, she will eventually be found because of the distinguishing mark in her eye.

But on the flip side, I would never have left my children asleep in an apartment, in a foreign country, on their own, whilst I was out enjoying a meal with friends.


ayoungman - 23/5/07 at 10:10 PM

hindsight is a marvellous thing. I think every parent at some time or other may have done some less than sensible things in the past. These parents may well be paying the ultimate price for theirs !

mangogrooveworkshop - 24/5/07 at 02:20 AM

woodster - 24/5/07 at 02:14 PM

god bless her and lets hope they find her soon

t.j. - 7/9/07 at 09:11 PM

What is your opnion on the new suspects??

I hope it isn't tru!

They found Madeleines blood in a car which was rented 25 days later!by their PARENTS!!!

[Edited on 7/9/07 by t.j.]

omega 24 v6 - 7/9/07 at 09:58 PM


What is your opnion on the new suspects??

Something stinks let's hopr it's the Portugease police

bigrich - 7/9/07 at 10:17 PM

i don't want to think that the parents are involved but who as a parent of young children leaves them alone even for a short while. sorry just my thoughts its just something i would NEVER do.
Its very easy to point the finger as an outsider, but in my mind something is not right with the whole situation. Sorry again but its just my own thoughts. and hope to be proved un founded