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Shameless plug: Check this out... latest project!
ChrisW - 25/5/07 at 07:46 PM

Little project I have been involved in that has just launched. Most of the backend code (the bit that does the recording off-air and streaming) is by my own hand...


Catpuss - 25/5/07 at 08:31 PM

Query by channel then programmes beinging with P gives:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS s.`id`, s.`name`, s.`description`, c.`name` as `channel`, g.`name` as `genre`, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `tvc_episodes` as `e` WHERE e.`show_id` = s.`id` GROUP BY e.`show_id` ORDER BY e.`show_id`) as `episodes` FROM (`tvc_shows` as `s` LEFT JOIN `tvc_channels` as `c` ON (s.`channel` = c.`id`)) LEFT JOIN `tvc_genres` as `g` ON (s.`genre` = g.`id`) WHERE `status` = '0' AND `name` LIKE 'p%' ORDER BY s.`name` ASC LIMIT 0, 10
SQL Error:
1052(Column 'name' in where clause is ambiguous)
Session Closed

Fozzie - 25/5/07 at 08:36 PM


Could have done with this last night, whilst having an 'insomniac' episode!


ChrisW - 25/5/07 at 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Catpuss
Query by channel then programmes beinging with P gives:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS s.`id`, s.`name`, s.`description`, c.`name` as `channel`, g.`name` as `genre`, (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `tvc_episodes` as `e` WHERE e.`show_id` = s.`id` GROUP BY e.`show_id` ORDER BY e.`show_id`) as `episodes` FROM (`tvc_shows` as `s` LEFT JOIN `tvc_channels` as `c` ON (s.`channel` = c.`id`)) LEFT JOIN `tvc_genres` as `g` ON (s.`genre` = g.`id`) WHERE `status` = '0' AND `name` LIKE 'p%' ORDER BY s.`name` ASC LIMIT 0, 10
SQL Error:
1052(Column 'name' in where clause is ambiguous)
Session Closed

Ooops! Luckily, not my code... will tell the web developer though!

Thanks for pointing it out.


Fozzie - 25/5/07 at 08:44 PM

Sadly cannot sign up either
the country code and the gender ( ) drop down boxes don't work, so it wont let you sign up...... reported that bug through the site though.

It is watchable if you chose something from the left hand menu though.


Benzine - 25/5/07 at 08:47 PM

Very nice. No more missing neighbours

MikeR - 25/5/07 at 10:03 PM

Yaaah - i missed holly oaks tonight

Paradoxia0 - 25/5/07 at 10:19 PM

Very nice!

Makes that Sky+ subscription seen a waste of money now

Same problem as Fozzie thought, cannot signup due to nothing in country and gender dropdown.


Paradoxia0 - 25/5/07 at 10:22 PM

A suggestion:

Play the video in a separate window that can be floated above other windows?

Keep the TV ontop of what you are doing?


(who annoys the developers at work with lots of silly suggestions )

RazMan - 26/5/07 at 08:48 AM

I think you're onto a winner there Chris!

Marlon - 26/5/07 at 09:59 AM

That's fantastic!!
I love it!


Keith Weiland - 26/5/07 at 10:00 AM

Looks good but you might want to get your lawyers ready. I can see cease and desist orders coming your way.

ChrisW - 26/5/07 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by RazMan
I think you're onto a winner there Chris!

There are lots of ways we could make the TV more 'watchable', but at the end of the day the site is funded by advertising (or will be - we need to hit certain user targets before we can get any ads that are worthwhile). This means we have to ensure that people see the adverts and doing fullscreen, floatable windows, etc would hide the ads meaning far less income.

Originally posted by Keith Weiland
Looks good but you might want to get your lawyers ready. I can see cease and desist orders coming your way.

I'm expecting that to be the case too. Luckily, out of the team of three that are behind the project, we have one techy (me!), one artisitic guy who does the website side of things, and a solicitor who will deal with the legal fallout. According to him there is a loophole we can use, which is where the whole project started from. I guess time will tell though!


Fozzie - 27/5/07 at 05:19 PM

Have now managed to sign up!

Thats one bug sorted then!

Great choice of programmes......

ATB Fozzie

ChrisW - 27/5/07 at 05:35 PM

Just added a load more to the recording schedule, so will be even more choice in 24 hours or so time.
