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Sylva Mojo
davrus - 28/6/07 at 08:41 PM


You all must remember Trevor bennett, the chap whos Robinhood light weight failed the s.v.a on the Chassis.

Well i was following his build on his new Sylva and all of a sudden it has stoped, his last update was in may and his Email add has vanished from his Blogs profile.


Does any one know where he has vanished to.

Take care


mojoTrev - 28/6/07 at 09:30 PM


I'm still here!

The mojo build is progressing well. Mechanically the Mojo is completed, just the dash, interior and bodyshell to go.

Google have changed the blogspot website recently, but I have now added back on my email link within my profile. (I didn't know it had gone to be honest!)

Hope everyone on here is well and in good health,


mojoTrev - 28/6/07 at 09:52 PM

Oh yes, I forgot....

The reason I'm not updating the blogspot website so much at the moment is because with me writing for the Magazine, I don't want to give away too much on the web before that months mag is published - just down to me really. (Hope that makes sense!)


davrus - 29/6/07 at 06:06 PM

Oh good.

Nice to hear from you Trevor. I recently check your built site and just wondered why the updates were coming slower than the robin hood ones. Thought you had given up lol.

Glad you are still cracking on with it.

Look forward to seeing the new pics.

Take care and good luck.
