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jacko - 2/7/07 at 05:15 PM

Hi all my daughter needs a SLR digital camera for her school work [ A level ]
what make do you all recommend ?
and how muck do you think i should pay for one ?
It has got to be a minimum of 3 mil pixels

smart51 - 2/7/07 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by jacko
It has got to be a minimum of 3 mil pixels

Can you get digital SLRs less than that?

I friend of mine had just bought a Sony 12 Mpix SLR which he loves. Sony have just bought Minolta BTW.

iank - 2/7/07 at 05:26 PM

I just got a second hand Canon EOS D300 with lens for £230, they are going cheap as the D400 has come out so it's 2 generations behind and all the camera geeks are upgrading.

The Nikon equivalent will be doing the same I'm sure.

I doubt you can get an SLR with less than 6MP these days.

worX - 2/7/07 at 05:27 PM

My Nikon D50 is now pretty damn cheap, it all depends on how much you want to spend.

I think it is really good for the money, has a simple to use menu system with all technical functions hidden in sub-menus meaning that it is simple to use on a daily basis but it can also be more technical for when thats needed also.

here is one on ebay:

I bought mine with an extra lens, bag, spare battery, memory card etc and got a really good deal.


andyharding - 2/7/07 at 05:35 PM

If looking new a Canon EOS 400D if second hand a 350D.

The lens makes the camera and the 24-105 L series would go great with either of the above.

joneh - 2/7/07 at 05:47 PM

Another vote for the 350D. Ace camera even with basic lens.

SeaBass - 2/7/07 at 05:59 PM

I have an old Canon 20D which I picked up for peanuts with a couple of decent lenses. Well worth a look for the money.

Wadders - 2/7/07 at 06:21 PM

Even a canon 10d will produce amazing results,and fetch nothing secondhand, although compared to a 300d they are quite big and heavy, which might be a consideration.


Dantheman - 2/7/07 at 06:31 PM

You can get a Nikon D40 (6mp) from Currys for £340 and get £60 cashback from Nikon.

Benzine - 2/7/07 at 06:51 PM

Nikon D80 atm. nikon pwn canon hands down.

lotustwincam - 2/7/07 at 06:57 PM

For camera reviews see DPReview

Seven Day Shop has started to sell Canon again. I haven't compared the prices lately, but there was a time when they couldn't be beat. 7DayShop

Bought my Canon 20D from them a couple of years back and no problems. Agree with what's said above. To get the full benefit of a DSLR you will need a good lens.

Catpuss - 2/7/07 at 07:17 PM

We just got the D40X digital camera, the 10mega pixel version of the D40. Its the dogs knackers.

They have just dropped the price to what we bought it for a few months back in the Currys sale. Gawd knows why they were selling it around £100 less than the competion. My theory is that noone was buying it as they didn't understand the difference between the D40 & D40x as the X got really good reviews too.

What every you go for budget for a decent lens too. We use the 55-200mm most of the time.

SWMBO used to do run a photo processing lab and still does it semi professional photography (weddings and pets) so knows what she is looking for.

Pretty much most £500+ range SLRs are very good these days.

Of course this also means the D50 & D70 (IIRC) have now dropped in value alot.

Look at the Jessops website for recon cameras. Some good ones turn up at times.

ReMan - 2/7/07 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by iank
I just got a second hand Canon EOS D300 with lens for £230, they are going cheap as the D400 has come out so it's 2 generations behind and all the camera geeks are upgrading.

The Nikon equivalent will be doing the same I'm sure.

I doubt you can get an SLR with less than 6MP these days.

300D gets my vote too.
In fact I'm trying to buy one right now
You can get the body at about £150, lenses from £30

Plus, if you're "feeling luck punk" you can upgrade the firmware to be very closew to the 10D

[Edited on 2/7/07 by ReMan]

tegwin - 2/7/07 at 08:56 PM

It honestly depends what it is she wants to shoot...

I have the 400D and its an awsome camera for a wide range of things, but it gets quite noisy on high ISO....

One of the main reasons I went for it over anything else was because the camera has an anti dust the camera is really well built...

Here are a few examples of what it can do...

This was a very long exposure taken in almost pitch black..

scoobyis2cool - 2/7/07 at 10:59 PM

I've got a 350D and it's ace. Bought it just after the 400D came out because it was a fair bit cheaper than the 400 and the differences are negligible in my opinion, save perhaps the anti-dust thingy.

I paid for mine on the Jessops website and then went and picked it up in store so I got the best of both worlds - internet prices and I can actually talk to a person if something goes wrong.


scoobyis2cool - 2/7/07 at 11:00 PM

Hey Tegwin, great pics, how did you take that water splash?


oliwb - 3/7/07 at 07:26 AM

Go with the Nikon D50 or better. I liked the cannon until I saw it in the flesh. It is light plasticy and IMHO not very well made. The nikon felt sturdy and robust and a bit more like slr's of old.....Try it for yourself in the shop and see what you think. Most of the reviews say that the cannon give more pixels but that the Nikon takes better photos because of its sensor picking up more vivid colours. I've certainly found this to be true when comparing to two of my mates equiv cannons. Only way you'll know is to try it though.....Oli.

mackei23b - 3/7/07 at 08:12 AM

Good second hand kit at:

I've baught a lot of kit from them in the past.

Current Stock includes:

Fuji S2 Pro £299
D100 £279
Eos 300D £269


martyn_16v - 3/7/07 at 09:21 AM

Does she already have any other (film) SLR kit? If she does then you're best off sticking to what she has so you can use the lenses on the DSLR, there's not enough of a difference between Canon and Nikon (particularly for an amateur) to justify having to replace all your lenses.

Personally i'm a Nikon man, you really won't go wrong with a D70/D70s, you should be able to pick one up cheap these days now the D80 has been out for a bit. Fixation are another repairer that generally have a fair bit of good used stock in, they're also really good repairers if you ever break anything

iank - 3/7/07 at 09:45 AM

The quality you get out of any DSLR compared to a compact is night and day, they are massively better. The difference between Canon and Nikon are minimal to a beginner to be honest.

How a picture turns out is (IMO) 10% camera, 20% knowing what settings to use and 70% the person pressing the button.

For lenses Sigma are a good compromise between quality and cost (though the auto focus is noisy compared with the manufacturer's lenses).

andyharding - 3/7/07 at 12:32 PM

I just ordered a 30D so my 350D will be up for sale very shortly if you're interested?

jacko - 7/9/07 at 05:47 PM

Hi we are still looking any more info would be great
thanks Graham

Confused but excited. - 7/9/07 at 05:59 PM

So tegwin, you took the second piture in the dark. Is that why the third picture was taken whilst falling in?