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Castle Coombe Crashes
wheezy - 11/7/07 at 07:42 PM

Here are a few clips of cars going off at Quarry cornerLink
Some pretty big collisions with the tyre wall. Fortunatley the driver was out of the lotus 11 when it got hit.
You apparently have a 1 in 100 chance of a crash at a track day. The chance reduces to 1 in 30 for quarry corner. I have a track day there next week so hopefully I wont be one of the 30

JoelP - 11/7/07 at 07:50 PM

i bet he was well pished off, someone crashing into him when there must've been yellow flags out?!

Deckman001 - 11/7/07 at 07:53 PM

Regarding the lotus, asuming it was a right off, would the Bmw driver be liable? or is it just tough sh1t


Jon Ison - 11/7/07 at 07:55 PM

ouch, gutted for the man

wheezy - 11/7/07 at 08:03 PM

I think there is no liabilty at a track day and you drive at your own risk. He may have had track day insurance but most dont bother.
Not the way you want your pride and joy to end up.

vinny1275 - 11/7/07 at 08:23 PM

That's where I dinked swmbo's dad's old cossie. when I say dinked, I mean all the panels down the near side..... oops.

Had the first day in his GT-R last week. Thanks to Malc (yorkshire-engines), who put us straight on the clutch requirements for using the blackbird engine in a car. After some of the clutch / gearbox escaped out of th side of the engine casing

Good luck at Combe, and take it easy around Quarry!



TimC - 11/7/07 at 09:36 PM

Wheezy - are you there Monday? If so I'll come and say hello (again - we met at Llandow last year.)

I'm helping-out two Bitsilly with his MNR.

wheezy - 11/7/07 at 09:52 PM

Fraid not mate. I will be up there on Thursday with the Porche 928 owners club. They needed a few extra cars and asked me if I would take my car along. Should be a good day, there should be about 50 cars.

seadog - 11/7/07 at 10:10 PM

Jeeeeeesus!! Remind me to give Castle Combe a miss

Good Luck on yer track day Wheezy and dont go spoiling that lovely paintwork, she looked handsome when you were at Stoneleigh!!

spaximus - 12/7/07 at 06:11 AM

I have driven Coombe several times and Quarry isn't the worst corner but it is the easiest to cock up. When you come down from the Fast corner called Camp. it is a down hill to Avon rise where you can be up to 135mph easily in my Westfield if you have had a clear run. As you crest Avon rise the car goes light at just the spot where you need to brake, this is why many of those incidents have started way before Quarry when they have locked up and lost steering control, or they have simply carried too much speed and understeered off.
I won a trackday at Coombe years ago with Totalkitcar and took advantage of instruction, I thought I was fast until someone who knew the track showed me just how timid I was in certain areas.
Best advice is take instruction and always enter Quarry as far from other cars as possible so if anything happens they don't collect you.
Have a great time.

wheezy - 12/7/07 at 06:56 AM

Cheers for that guys.
The porche lads have aranged for an instructor for the day so I may take advantage of his knowledge.
I will post up some video when I get back.
