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GCSE Results
phelpsa - 23/8/07 at 09:21 AM

Thought I'd report in here about my GCSE results as a few people wished me luck.

This year I got:

A* in Latin
A in DT
A/A in Science
A in English
A in Eng/Lit
A in Geography
D in Ancient Greek ()

Last year:

A* in Maths
B in French.

So in all 10 GCSEs, 2x A*s, 6x As, a B and D.

Your luck paid off

ewan - 23/8/07 at 09:25 AM

well done, although the Greek is a little disapointing......! (maybe next year)

phelpsa - 23/8/07 at 09:28 AM

I thought it was pretty good considering I've been doing it for 2 years on 2 lessons a week

Bit miffed about the DT, I got a fair 99/102 on the coursework, which should have meant I had to get less that 60% in the exam to get anything other than an A*... but I think all the coursework was moderated down because some of the poorer ones were marked up

wilkingj - 23/8/07 at 09:44 AM

Well done... Its all worth the effort.

Take it from me, its a good start. Are yougoing on to A level's, and Uni if possible.

Its easier to do the learning when you are young, although you probably dont want to!.

Get your education sorted, as it has a potential effect on how thick a wallet you need to hold your money.

Tickets are a big boost to getting a job you want. (fighting the other people also wanting the same job).

Unless you have a natural ability in sales!.
Buying and selling is a qucik way to make money.

Good luck for the future. and Keep going / learning.

iank - 23/8/07 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by phelpsa
I thought it was pretty good considering I've been doing it for 2 years on 2 lessons a week

Bit miffed about the DT, I got a fair 99/102 on the coursework, which should have meant I had to get less that 60% in the exam to get anything other than an A*... but I think all the coursework was moderated down because some of the poorer ones were marked up

How close were you on the DT? (your teacher will have the marks). If only a couple away get them to put in an appeal.

p.s. Well done

russbost - 23/8/07 at 09:55 AM

Well done!
We need all the brains on here we can get
That A* in Latin should be very useful if you're looking at an engineering career

DarrenW - 23/8/07 at 11:16 AM

Superb - very well done.

I have to test your latin - what does the script on the front of a UK pasport mean?

The Lion and Unicorn obscure some of it so i may struggle to put it down for you.

Dieu et mon droit (this bit looks more french to me! - hope it is really latin or ive just made myself look daft - its certainly not Geordie!!)

David Jenkins - 23/8/07 at 11:23 AM

Honi soit qui mal y pense (spelling probably wrong!)

French - 'Evil to he who thinks evil'

Dieu et mon droit

Also French - 'God and my right'

[Edited on 23/8/07 by David Jenkins]

nick205 - 23/8/07 at 12:36 PM

Excellent results there - well done for putting the effort in to it.

I was forced to learn Latin at school over technical drawing (pre-CAD days). It still annoys me to this day, particularly as I ended up working with 3D CAD for a living later in life.

The only Latin I recall is amo, amas, amant and I can't even remember what it means....!

David Jenkins - 23/8/07 at 12:55 PM

Good results!

Just one question - did you think the exams were easy? If you listen to the media the exams are getting easier every year. IMHO, the teaching methods are improving over time, and kids are trying harder than ever.

Now just do as well in your A-levels!


Macbeast - 23/8/07 at 01:10 PM

Well done

What is "DT" ?

The only thing I can think of is Delirium Tremens but I suspect that's not right.

Or maybe it is ?

phelpsa - 23/8/07 at 01:25 PM

DT= Design and Technology

David, the exams were harder than the previous papers I'd been doing.... but they werent difficult.

Peteff - 23/8/07 at 01:51 PM

Quel fromage about the Bs and Ds

David Jenkins - 23/8/07 at 01:55 PM

Originally posted by phelpsa
David, the exams were harder than the previous papers I'd been doing.... but they werent difficult.

Exactly as it should be, if you'd done your studying - obviously you had!

DIY Si - 23/8/07 at 03:40 PM

I was surprised at how easy some of my exams seemed at the time, but that was 6-7 years ago for my GCSE's.
Adam, how come you only did the double science? Does your school not offer the 3 separate subjects?
Otherwise, well done that man! Just a shame my result never really helped me, as I hated uni. Bit of a potential waste of 4 years, but never mind! I did get lots of bits of paper at the end though, so it may come in handy one day.
Oh, when's the party happening then? Assuming your parents let you drink that is.