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best dog flea treatment?
scotty g - 31/8/07 at 12:39 PM

are there any vets on here?
I have a Jack Russel with a very bad flea problem and nothing seems to get rid of the little buggars. The poor things not much bigger than the cat and i'm getting on average about 10 fleas a day off her, where the hell are they coming from? Surely they can't breed that quick can they?

coozer - 31/8/07 at 12:48 PM

I sat my terrier on my knee and picked them off and then washed him with flea shampoo to kill the eggs off.

Worked OK as long as you don't mind the challenge to find them all and catch the little buggers

02GF74 - 31/8/07 at 12:50 PM

the locost way would be to drown the dog - fleas will not survive for long on a carvass.

slightly more expensive is spot on - stuff comes in a tube that you pour between the shoulder blades of your cat.

forget the powder stuff - that doesn't work allegedly.

Confused but excited. - 31/8/07 at 12:52 PM

Everyone with dogs around here thinks Frontline in the business. You put a drop on the dogs skin and it kills them all before they get the chance to lay any eggs.

graememk - 31/8/07 at 12:58 PM

i used front line and i've never even seen a flea, my dog benson dosnt get then now either..

i also have the pouch mobile come around as well

gezer - 31/8/07 at 01:04 PM

I have an old basset hound and up untill recently a cavalier kc, (kicked the bucket a couple of months ago)
tried allsorts with limited success,

then spot on sachets betwen the shoulder blades and both dogs totally clear since, over two years,

you could also get some powder to do the dogs bedding and the carpet in the main rooms the dogs in as the eggs can survive a long time in places like that,

chockymonster - 31/8/07 at 01:13 PM

Treat the pet with Frontline and then make sure you deflea the house.

The disgusting manky, slimey, dirty people that lived in our house before us left a lovely flea infestation for us to deal with. (They were manky filthy people btw, the house was in a disgusting state when we moved in)

I tried the supermarket stuff and it was useless, I then bought a can of Vet-Kem Acclaim from a seller on ebay. Hoovered the house, empty the hoover straight away, removed all bedding and then sprayed the stuff. Haven't seen a flea since!

DarrenW - 31/8/07 at 01:27 PM

Another vote for frontline here as well.

Vets may not be keen on letting you have it until theyve checked the dog is Ok but doesnt cost the earth compared to the hassle of the fleas.

bobster - 31/8/07 at 01:49 PM

i am a veterinary!
Frontline imo is still the best treatment option for fleas. stronghold coming in second. Forget supermarket types etc total waste of money. Most vets won't like to tell you but frontline is no longer a pom (prescription only drug) therefore can be bought in some licensed premesis such as tack shops etc. alternately pop over to france where they sell it in the supermarkets!

David Jenkins - 31/8/07 at 02:03 PM

Another vote for Frontline. Easy to administer but you probably should wear rubber gloves (bobster should confirm this?).

We also sprayed the dog's bedding periodically, usually outside 'cos of the stink and fumes from the spray can. We also sprayed the carpet in the dog's favourite corner.

The Frontline and the spraying usually happened at roughly the same time.

Ivan - 31/8/07 at 03:01 PM

In South Africa we alternate between "Frontline" on a monthly basis for 6 months then "Advantix" on a monthly basis for 6 months.

Our problem is fleas and enen worse Ticks that carry billiary that normally kills the dog and they work well against both.

We alternate to limit getting immunity against the treatment by the fleas and ticks.

Peteff - 31/8/07 at 03:28 PM

I used to use Nuvan Top for the dogs, it's an aerosol and is lethal stuff. You could watch the fleas falling off. I once found a hedgehog on the garden and gave it a spray with some and the dead fleas were everywhere within minutes. It was only available at vets though.