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britishtrident - 21/9/07 at 06:41 PM

Google for Max Moseley followed by any rude or derogatory word or phrase

A word in your ear Max I don't think people like you very much.

speedyxjs - 21/9/07 at 06:42 PM

nathanharris1987 - 21/9/07 at 07:01 PM

oooh my days, this came up pigdogfucker

britishtrident - 21/9/07 at 07:04 PM

Doing this I actually found something on the web if true he would rather keep quiet --- it is dynamite

see bottom of page 12

britishtrident - 21/9/07 at 07:17 PM

Max was arrested at an election meeting in 1962


1962: Violence flares at Mosley rally
Former fascist leader Sir Oswald Mosley has been assaulted at a rally in London's east end.

He and members of his anti-Semitic Blackshirt group were punched to the ground as soon as his meeting opened at Ridley Road, Dalston.

Police were forced to close the meeting within three minutes and made 54 arrests - including Sir Oswald's son Max.

end quote

Full article

AndyH - 21/9/07 at 08:42 PM

Now the cats out the bag for MadMax he should be forced to resign, on the grounds of being an unfit and proper person to hold such an important post.

This does after all reflect badly on the FIA as a govering body, having a facist in charge.

omega 24 v6 - 21/9/07 at 09:30 PM

OK so it looks like at one time Max was anti black (so anti hamilton possibly) unless he's changed his spots.
He was also linked to Mussolini who was italian (just like Ferrari) so possibly biased towards ferrari
He wants Jean Todt to replace him at the FIA (looks like it's already decided) so another ferrari connection.
He didn't get his own way at the hearing re drivers points so he makes a big hoha about how it's gonna come back and haunt them(when IMHO his opinions are just that and should not have left the room after the meeting)

Are these the facts or not????????
Is it a stitch up??????
Can Max hold his head high and say he's not biased(i think not)
Should he resign over his coloured (no pun intended) past which seems to be relatively unknown among motorsport fans that I've spoken to.???