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name that car
damien - 2/10/07 at 06:56 AM

a chap on a 205gti forum has been trying to find out what car this is, does anyone know?

big thanks

kendo - 2/10/07 at 07:13 AM

Not sure but gut instinct says Maserati. I'll do some digging.

alfasudsprint - 2/10/07 at 07:13 AM

Looks reminiscent of Ferrari pontoon (test Rossa with scag. coachwork.

ditchlewis - 2/10/07 at 07:21 AM

is it the original ferrari testerossa.


it is was in red i would be sure, but its a 1950's testerossa used to had a burago model of it

OOOPps not a ferrari, that has flared in lights and the wing pods are closer to the nose.

is it a replica with sufficent changes to prevent legal action?

[Edited on 2/10/07 by ditchlewis]

[Edited on 2/10/07 by ditchlewis]

kendo - 2/10/07 at 07:26 AM

it certainly has an italian feel

donut - 2/10/07 at 08:54 AM


name that car


welderman - 2/10/07 at 09:38 AM

looks like its got Austin Mini headlamps to me, is it a supped up Austin Healy

David Jenkins - 2/10/07 at 09:43 AM

There's something American about it - can't put my finger on exactly why I think that.

It just looks like it's from the same generation as AC Cobras.

[Edited on 2/10/07 by David Jenkins]

DarrenW - 2/10/07 at 10:50 AM

Here is a link to some pontoon pics.

westcost1 - 2/10/07 at 02:19 PM

dose not look like a real one to me?

damien - 2/10/07 at 04:20 PM

we have found out its a "1962 ZIL-112S"

thanks for the help people

rusty nuts - 2/10/07 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by damien
we have found out its a "1962 ZIL-112S"

thanks for the help people

A Russian ZIL?

DarrenW - 3/10/07 at 08:36 AM

Same pic but plus others

[Edited on 3/10/07 by DarrenW]

David Jenkins - 3/10/07 at 08:39 AM

I don't think that interior would pass the SVA!

Industrial or what!

iank - 3/10/07 at 08:50 AM

Plenty of cars, and almost all classics would fail SVA on the interior rules.

Not to mention all the chav cr*p you can buy quite legally in Halfords that would cause problems.