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BBC TV stuff on YouTube - copyright issues
russbost - 10/10/07 at 01:04 PM

I have some video of my car which was done by the BBC (news item last year). I'd like to put it on You Tube, but is this likely to cause copyright issues or is there loads of broadcast TV stuff on there (don't use You Tube much myself)? Are the BBC litigous or would they, at worst, ask me to remove it?

Dangle_kt - 10/10/07 at 01:11 PM

just throw it up!

Whats the worst that could happen??? They take it down...well as long a syou dont delete the original fiel on your computer your sorted - just repsost it under a different name.

No one from TV compnay could sit and watch all the video's on youtube just in case, the best they could do is search for BBC or TOP GEAR and ask to have that stuff taken down.

As it is youtube is full of stuff off top gear and it doesn't seem to ever be removed, so I bet your laughing.

Just dont say where its from in the title or descroption of the vid.

nathanharris1987 - 10/10/07 at 01:13 PM

easier to ask for forgivness than permission.

russbost - 10/10/07 at 01:14 PM

"Just dont say where its from in the title or descroption of the vid." - Could be a touch tricky with their music & newsreader!

TimC - 10/10/07 at 01:18 PM

I think that you'd be better off if you reference it properly by saying - from BBC Blah blah 13/07/2009 or whatever.

pewe - 10/10/07 at 03:38 PM

Agree with TimC much less likely to encounter aggro from Auntie if you acknowledge the source. Cheers, Pewe

VinceGledhill - 10/10/07 at 04:00 PM

Post a linky then

blakep82 - 10/10/07 at 05:44 PM

you'll find just about every episode of top gear on there.

i wouldn't worry