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Locostbuilders email address
macdave69 - 19/1/02 at 06:28 AM

As I'm new to this group, how long has the threat of a locostbuilders email address been bandied about as this seriuosly appeals to my simple mind.

ChrisW - 22/1/02 at 11:23 AM

Was an idea right from the start unfortunatly I need a bit of time to sort the web based bit out. If you want a POP3 mailbox (to use from Outlook Express for example) I can sort that.

Also,[yourname] websites are available NOW if anyone is interested?


macdave69 - 22/1/02 at 11:42 AM

Sounds good to me. How do I set up this POP3 marvel you speak of?

ChrisW - 23/1/02 at 05:43 PM

Email me ( with the address you want and I'll send you back the username, password and server names.
