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Summer Placement
arrybradbury - 17/10/07 at 09:47 PM

I'm a 20 year old Mechanical Engineering Student from University of Bath currently on a placement at Rolls Royce Motor Cars. I've done two years of my degree (a masters) and am currently on a first.

I'm happy with my current placement which ends in June but would like to try a city job (non-engineering related) for summer 2008.

Seeing as there is a large collective of people on here I might aswell ask, what does the company you work for do, and do they take on summer placement students from Mechanical Engineering degrees? I'm not too fussed about the industry at the moment as long as it's exciting and rewarding but ultimately I'm more interested in what is out there that I could have a go at. I'm more than willing to work hard and would like the experience of city life before I have to make a final career choice.

Any responses welcomed. Many thanks, Arry.

Avoneer - 17/10/07 at 09:52 PM

You can cut my grass on a weekend?


billynomates - 17/10/07 at 10:11 PM

Seen as I live near Pat, will you cut my grass at reduced rates?

MikeR - 17/10/07 at 10:59 PM

As you'll be passing mine on the way to them - can you do mine ?

Reality is my company doesn't take in grad's of any discipline in IT. Marketing do sometimes take on 'temp grads'.

You might be better off temping for a large company. If you're good they'll find uses for you.

scoobyis2cool - 18/10/07 at 12:26 AM

Can't help with the placement I'm afraid but just wanted to say I went to the same uni and did the same degree. Woo, go Bath!


chriscook - 18/10/07 at 08:13 AM

Another Bath Mech Eng graduate here

DarrenW - 18/10/07 at 08:50 AM

Can i make a suggestion ref trying a different industry which i have to say is a fantastic idea. What about a placement with a marketing or Sales type company.

I wish id broadened my horizons more as a young engineer. Ive progressed my Career into Project Management and now work for a relatively small team in the UK. As a result the scope is much wider and i get more involved in the business and sales side of the company. It does no harm for Engineers to understand how there role works within the context of a full business.

twybrow - 18/10/07 at 09:03 AM

Just pick out some companies that interest you, and send them your cv. We do take summer placement students, but they tend to be from one university (Bristol), and tend to be from one course (aeronautical engineering). I think you will find most large companies (particularly engineering) will take placement students on as young engineers are becoming hard to get hold of. We take people on for anything from one month up to a year. Good luck.

scoobyis2cool - 18/10/07 at 10:31 AM

Arry, is Trudy Nunn still at the uni? When I was there a couple of years ago she was the woman to talk to when it came to placement because she had all sorts of contacts.

Otherwise, I'd agree with just sending out your CV to a few companies that interest you.


arrybradbury - 18/10/07 at 11:02 AM

Funnily enough - she's literally just retired this summer!! I'm trying everyone at the moment, forums, careers advisers and placements advisers have all been notified.