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V8 Supercars
David Jenkins - 24/10/07 at 09:07 PM

After all the kerfuffle about F1, I happened upon a programme about the V8 Supercar series in Surfers Paradise, Australia the other day (on Motors TV).

What a brilliant race! And what brutal driving!

And what was even better was the total lack of commentary for the whole 1 hour programme (apart from very occasional 30-second interruptions from a bloke in the pits). All you heard was the noise of the engines and occasional pit radio transmissions. Marvellous!

I had more entertainment watching that than from the whole season of F1!

Fozzie - 24/10/07 at 09:30 PM

Been following that for a while now......superb racing !


speedyxjs - 25/10/07 at 12:25 PM

I wish i could watch it. I used to until my dad changed our subscription
Good racing though

road warrior - 25/10/07 at 12:32 PM

Did you guys see any of Bathurst? The last 15 laps were mental!!

Rickaaay - 25/10/07 at 03:40 PM

Have you ever been to Silverstone? The commentary there last for an entire day! I think I will wear ear plugs next time, but how will I hear the cars? mind you, it's not easy to hear them with someone shouting through a loud speaker all day when there are loud speakers all around the track.

David Jenkins - 25/10/07 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by road warrior
Did you guys see any of Bathurst? The last 15 laps were mental!!

Oh yes! Bunched up traffic, tired drivers and light rain - and did they stop for slicks? Of course not! Full speed on worn slicks in rain...