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legal protest action on the price of fuel
Ricks-9r - 10/12/07 at 07:46 PM

Mr Whippy - 10/12/07 at 07:54 PM

Saturday 15th December 2007 at 10:00am

so then that'll have little or no effect...

bonzoronnie - 10/12/07 at 08:05 PM

Petrol prices

I think you will find it will have an effect.

Possible election looming.

The government will do the same as they did last time.

2p a litre off of the duty.

The Petrol companies will say " Thanks very much, we'll have that". Up goes the pump price again.


blakep82 - 10/12/07 at 08:13 PM

the thing is, these protests are to be held at refineries. I don't think thats the right place to protest. I would mind so much if £1.02 per litre was the actual price of petrol, because the petrol companies are actually putting in all the work to get petrol to us.

the real thing is the government sitting on thier fat asses stealing our money in taxes. thats what annoys me! protest outside downing street. stop the PM getting in his jag to travel 5mins down the road to parliament 3 days a week

Confused but excited. - 10/12/07 at 08:20 PM

Diesel here now £1.20/litre!

TPG - 10/12/07 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
the thing is, these protests are to be held at refineries. I don't think thats the right place to protest. I would mind so much if £1.02 per litre was the actual price of petrol, because the petrol companies are actually putting in all the work to get petrol to us.

the real thing is the government sitting on thier fat asses stealing our money in taxes. thats what annoys me! protest outside downing street. stop the PM getting in his jag to travel 5mins down the road to parliament 3 days a week

I'll vote for you!!!
The petrol companies are by defintion,companies.In it to make money.Now I don't know the profit per gallon of fuel(Diesel/LPG/Petrol)they make,But i'd bet someone elses money it's eclipised by the tax.
Oz and Nz manage to sell it cheaper per gallon.The other side of the world,logisticlly miles away.How????Why can't we.Both places have similar life standards to us.....Thats why I want to move there.Run a V8.Nice.

blakep82 - 10/12/07 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by TPG
Originally posted by blakep82
the thing is, these protests are to be held at refineries. I don't think thats the right place to protest. I would mind so much if £1.02 per litre was the actual price of petrol, because the petrol companies are actually putting in all the work to get petrol to us.

the real thing is the government sitting on thier fat asses stealing our money in taxes. thats what annoys me! protest outside downing street. stop the PM getting in his jag to travel 5mins down the road to parliament 3 days a week

I'll vote for you!!!
The petrol companies are by defintion,companies.In it to make money.Now I don't know the profit per gallon of fuel(Diesel/LPG/Petrol)they make,But i'd bet someone elses money it's eclipised by the tax.
Oz and Nz manage to sell it cheaper per gallon.The other side of the world,logisticlly miles away.How????Why can't we.Both places have similar life standards to us.....Thats why I want to move there.Run a V8.Nice.

hmm, a vote eh? you do realise if i was PM, i'd be greedy too. fuel tax goes up to pay for my exotic holidays, my my sexy exotic mistresses, and trips to the titty bar where i'll have private dances all nice, drink nothing but the finest champagne, I'll also have a large collection of classic cars and new super cars. at the tax payers expense, obviously.

luckily i have no interest in being the PM or politics then eh? watching 'coast' on bbc last nite quatar (don't know the spelling... middle eastern country half the size of wales) has enough oil under it to supply gas to britain for 200 years. sound like there's plenty left to me!

petrol's only worth about 40p a litre or something

Paul TigerB6 - 10/12/07 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by TPG

The petrol companies are by defintion,companies.In it to make money.Now I don't know the profit per gallon of fuel(Diesel/LPG/Petrol)they make,But i'd bet someone elses money it's eclipised by the tax.

Fuel companies make bugger all (in comparrison to the overall scale of the petrochemical business) - about 1-2p per litre profit!! I know Shell make more from the forecourt shops that they own (at least they did when i worked for them 6 years back) than from fuel sales. Oil refiners make most of their money from the other dozens of chemicals they get from refining crude oil. Fair to say that petrol is pretty much a by-product in the overall scale of things - but the product that the public relate to hence the effort put into marketting it.