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Race of Champions - Sweden
Jonte - 16/12/07 at 06:54 PM

You better be swedish if u wanna win RoC

Mattias Ekström easy beats Schumi in the final and takes the title for the second year in a row

MkIndy7 - 16/12/07 at 06:57 PM

I like how Schumi was having a paddy over which car he got, so Ekstrom just said "take it" and went on to beet him regardless!

falcor - 16/12/07 at 07:23 PM

Jaaa! Gött mos Mattias !

bobster - 16/12/07 at 08:42 PM

well done. enjoy as it might be your last for a while. i'm sure we'll see louis next year!!!!

muzchap - 17/12/07 at 01:01 AM

Personally I smypathise with Schuey.

They were SUPPOSED to race the FIATS last...

He got his ass whopped in them French pieces of junk - he kicked back in the CRAZY Dutch buggies and I think the Fiats would have been a fair conclusion.

I'd certainly be pissed off if I drove into the pits and found an even bigger pile of junk waiting for me than a FIAT - I mean who wouldn't

No offence froggies - but stick to cooking!


MkIndy7 - 17/12/07 at 05:35 PM

How petty about the cars Shumi's allowed to drive at a Charity event...

Due to contractual reasons he cannot drive the Ford Focus or the Aston... PATHETIC!

I noticed they weren't used as often as the other cars... and thus shumi got more practice in the others as the rest of the drivers drove the Focus and the Aston as well.

Not that it made that much difference as Gronholm got beaten in his own car lol!