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Made redundant!
MK Charlie - 8/1/08 at 01:51 AM

Was called into my managers office today and was told i'm being made redundant. I'm not sure weather to be glad or not as i didnt really enjoy my job. I cant really complain at my settlement. Been there less than a year and they have said i dont need to go back in and I'm on full pay for 3months, with a bonus included in my final pay packet!
I've decided that i would like to try and use this opportunity to move to norwich. Before the end of the day I had 3 interviews organised up there for next week! BONUS!
As far as I see it, the only downside of moving to norwich is i think I will have to leave my Indy back at home with my parents which means i wont be able to drive it as much. Hmmmmmm.......the dilema starts

Mr Whippy - 8/1/08 at 02:47 AM

well done sounds like you landed on your feet right away.

your hardly missing good weather for the car anyway

jollygreengiant - 8/1/08 at 03:55 AM

Good luck, hope you get sorted.

smart51 - 8/1/08 at 08:04 AM

That happened to me once. I'd worked for the company for 9 months and hated it. I was holding out for a full year so it didn't look too bad. They made me redundnat, paid 6 months in lieu of notice, plus holidays for that 6 months plus 2 weeks redundancy, all tax free. The paid me more to leave than I had earned there. I had 2 weeks holiday and started work somewhere else on more money. It needn't be a bad thing, redundancy.

wilkingj - 8/1/08 at 08:07 AM

Every Cloud has a Sliver Lining, so they say.

Living at Cambridge, I can ensure your Car gets exercised if you want

Use the time and the money wisely... Its not very often you get a windfall.

blakep82 - 8/1/08 at 08:07 AM

i dream of being made redundant

sounds like its worked out good!

ditchlewis - 8/1/08 at 08:42 AM

sorry to hear that.

it has happened to me several times and it has always been a god send to me. my career has always moved onwards and upwards and now i'm the manager. i normally get a 30 to 40% pay increase and a lump sum payment that covers that years holiday

you appear to be on the ball and have interviews lined up sp go for it with a positive attitude and you will succeed

my brother in law is the opposite, has OCD and sees his redundancy as a way to sit at home and do nothing whilst my sister goes out to work, cleans the house and cooks for him the fat sod will get his comeuppance one of these days

just stay positive and you will succeed and do well out of this


Puk - 8/1/08 at 11:24 AM

Go for it - a positive attitude and paid gardening leave you can try a few open doors.

I was laid of over a year ago, and used the opportunity to move to Denmark (my wife is Danish) and set up my own company selling prescription glasses online (

I don't make as much money as I used to, but get to see my kids in the week now and set about finishing the kit car that i started designing back in university.

Don't let any pessimists try to save you from your self

DarrenW - 8/1/08 at 12:05 PM

Happened to me twice so far and both times ive got a better job as a result.

Hardest bit the first time was realising what id done and achieved during the 13 years from leaving school to first redundancy. Company employed the services of career counsellors etc which helped my confidence enormously.

It is a shock at first but once you realise it is an opportunity with a time limit it becomes an interesting experience. There are jobs out there, its just that the good ones arent always advertised on the open job market.

will121 - 8/1/08 at 03:49 PM

i enjoy the Norwich living, suppose no garage for the Indy then? hope the Job hunting works out well.

MK Charlie - 9/1/08 at 01:14 AM

Had my first day as a paid bum and i think it was quite productive. Got paid to take the diff out of my Indy, drain the oil and take the old CWP out ready for a mate to help me fit the new 4.4 CWP at the weekend. I then got bored again, so back in the garage and started looking at where i can try and save some weight. Removed all the excess interior panels which are for cosmetics only, and going to replace all unnecessarily long bolts with shorter ones (every gram counts)
As far as job stuff goes, I got my CV all written up to a really good standard today, and ready to send off. Told my old manager that i need a reference from him by the end of this week as I'm off to norwich on sunday to stay with my brother and go to these interviews and apply to a few agencies.
Cheers for all the comments and support guys. I'm trying to see the best of this situation.

RK - 9/1/08 at 01:28 AM

Onwards and upwards is what I used to say. It's happened a few times (with no severence for me)! Don't get in the habit of goofing around. You'll regret it. Think how many new parts you can buy once you get a BETTER job than the one you had. Good luck!