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Southampton or Devon.......
alexdj125 - 6/2/08 at 05:06 PM

Hi, I'm currently at Uni in Southampton but normally live just outside Plymouth in Devon. I'm 20 at the moment, and because of that all my friends don't enjoy going for drives with me as their 1.2s and 1.4s cant keep up. Just wondering if there are many people about in either of these areas who organise any group drives or anything.

Thanks, Alex

nick205 - 6/2/08 at 05:10 PM

The New Forest Kit Car Club meet on the 2nd Tuesday (might be 1st) of every month at the John Barleycorn pub in Cadnam. There's usually 10 or so people there especially if the weather's good.

02GF74 - 6/2/08 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by alexdj125
I'm 20 at the moment, and because of that all my friends don't enjoy going for drives with me as their 1.2s and 1.4s cant keep up.

You are aware that it is not compulsory to race your mates .... oh hang on, you're only 20 .......

Easiest way is to pick up a very fat bird and take her along as balast, but may get espensive buying pies and big MAcs.

alexdj125 - 6/2/08 at 05:53 PM

Haha, thanks, I'll check it out! (The new forest club that is, not the fat bird!)

cryoman1965 - 6/2/08 at 06:11 PM

It is the 2nd Tuesday of each Month. Next one is 12th of Feb 1930 ' Sir John Barleycorn Cadnam.


Delinquent - 6/2/08 at 07:46 PM

Originally posted by alexdj125
Hi, I'm currently at Uni in Southampton but normally live just outside Plymouth in Devon. I'm 20 at the moment, and because of that all my friends don't enjoy going for drives with me as their 1.2s and 1.4s cant keep up. Just wondering if there are many people about in either of these areas who organise any group drives or anything.

Thanks, Alex

what do you drive Alex? Saw a sevenesque type car go past my house quite recently - I don't live far from part of the Uni.

alexdj125 - 6/2/08 at 07:55 PM

I drive a kawasaki green Raw striker. Possibly me, I havent seen many around up here, although I suppose its too cold for most!

Delinquent - 6/2/08 at 08:15 PM

hmmm not you then! This was, to put it kindly, "unfinished looking" in bare metal and sort-of-white bits.

admittedly went like stink though!

speedyxjs - 6/2/08 at 08:33 PM

Tell your friends to get a jag.
I brought mine when i was 19 and they should at least then be able to stay in your rear view mirror