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more scum
david4 - 9/2/08 at 11:41 AM

Hi All late last night or in the morning my friends track car was nicked with his trailer from his house the car is a silver subaru so watch your pride and joy the scum are about cheer,s david

MkIndy7 - 9/2/08 at 02:43 PM

Thats a shame to hear, was it an open trailer so people can keep an eye out for the silver Subaru on it?

Any distinguishing features of the car incase its still in the area anywhere?

They'll probably be breaking it for parts but i'll keep an eye out for any cars/trailers that haven't got matching plates.

david4 - 9/2/08 at 04:17 PM

the car had a blue sticker on the front and sides which said"mad for it" also some white air intake/light covers at the bottom i will try to up load a photo asap

david4 - 9/2/08 at 04:19 PM

Ho and it was an open top trailer too

david4 - 9/2/08 at 04:39 PM

this is what the car looks like hope this works