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Anyone trying to get hold of Merlin...
merlin - 25/6/02 at 05:00 PM

If anyone is trying to get hold of me for laser cutting etc I am having huge problems with my email!! I can RECIEVE but I can't send! Please enclose your phone number if you need a quote etc. Sorry for any delays caused by this!!

theconrodkid - 25/6/02 at 07:34 PM

Yo Steve pop round on friday afternoon or sat at the garage or if your working on the car sat pm ill pop round and drink some of your tea

bob - 25/6/02 at 09:14 PM

We may as well have a meet friday or sat morning then,as i'm off shift.

What do you think ?

ChrisW - 25/6/02 at 10:33 PM

Saturday sounds good to me! (or Friday evening)


bob - 26/6/02 at 07:18 PM

I'm popping round the arches sat morn to see the conrod,and drink some of his tea.

Shall i bring some milk John.

We can have a lemons 03 talk!!

theconrodkid - 26/6/02 at 07:52 PM

theconrodkid - 26/6/02 at 07:53 PM

allways got milk mate!

merlin - 26/6/02 at 08:36 PM

I'll be there but not 'til 12 ish.

bob - 26/6/02 at 11:30 PM

Bring the bickies then steve!!

merlin - 27/6/02 at 05:07 PM

Will that be the chocolate variety or the JAMMY DODGERS?

bob - 27/6/02 at 06:20 PM

Far too many Jammy Dodgers about

theconrodkid - 27/6/02 at 06:43 PM

Jammie dodgers for me or we could ajourn to the cafe cross the road for a nice healthy fry up

merlin - 28/6/02 at 03:21 PM

you can stuff ya buscuits! I'm going for a fry!!

theconrodkid - 28/6/02 at 05:49 PM

Theres a man who knows how to look after his health!

ChrisW - 28/6/02 at 06:00 PM

Are we all invited? Midday at Conrod's place?


bob - 28/6/02 at 06:41 PM

Looks that way chris,the arches at noon then.

ChrisW - 28/6/02 at 06:47 PM

Sweet! See you there!
