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Simon - 19/3/08 at 08:52 PM

Sorry about the shouting, just had to get your attention



Chippy - 19/3/08 at 09:00 PM

Hmmmm! deadline was 12th March, it's now the 19th, so no can do. Ray

Hellfire - 19/3/08 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Chippy
Hmmmm! deadline was 12th March, it's now the 19th, so no can do. Ray

Deadline is 12th March 2009

Should have gone to Specsavers


onzarob - 19/3/08 at 09:21 PM

I've signed but, its a bit please don't tax us please, please, please.

I agree that the changes to older vehicles is mad, but its not for environmental issues. they just want to screw us all

Common sense has left this country, or maybe just the ones in power

smart51 - 19/3/08 at 09:36 PM

They guy has a point. It is said that making a [new] car produced around five times the pollution that running the car for 10 years / 100,000 miles will. It is FAR more eco friendly maintaining a car to do 200,000 or more miles. Better still to DESIGN them to last that long.

An eco tax that applies to newly purchased vehicles will make people think about the new car that they buy. It would even be accepted as fair if cleaner vehicles had a rebate so that the scheme was tax neutral.

I'm still not going to sign it though. There are more important things to complain about.

Simon - 19/3/08 at 10:10 PM

I just read a post on the xpower forum that was a bit shocking.

My ZT260 (sold 3 weeks ago would have cost me more than £440 to tax next year!!!!!!!

Reason I sold it, was I'm sick of subsidising GB's (that's the PM, not the country) financial fups!



tjoh84 - 19/3/08 at 10:18 PM

done it

meany - 19/3/08 at 11:28 PM

done it aswell

ned - 20/3/08 at 10:20 AM

Doesn't look that bad to me.

If you drive a band f or g car you should have realised when you bought it as since 2001 ved has been co2 related anyway. Band f & g are typically 4x4 or sports cars/sporty derivatives anyway and imho are typically a luxury choice over a more frugal model the *majority* of the time.
rest of the bands are equivalent or cheaper than the old fixed rate ved for pre 2001 cars which now sits at £180 iirc?


ps here's a full run down:

[Edited on 20/3/08 by ned]

BenB - 20/3/08 at 11:00 AM

Let's face it....

99% of what the government does under the excuse of "fighting terrorism" has nothing to do with terrorism, and 99% of what the government does under the excuse of "the environment" has diddly squat to do with the environment....

They put fuel duty up to encourage to use less fuel. Why not put VAT up on new cars to get us to keep the cars we've got already? Making a new car has a huge carbon footprint.

Lies, lies and more lies.

The nanny state likes knowing what we're all doing and thinking, blows money on ridiculous projects (hence the need for stupidly high taxes) and wants us to buy new cars to prop up the economy....

Now MI5 want to have full access to every Londoners Oystercard information (showing where / when they've travelled). At the moment they have to apply for information on an individual basis. They want 100% access as a matter of course. If insurers did a per mile / GPS-based system for cars you can bet they'd want that information too.....

5 years from now we'll all be little blips on a huge projected map showing our exact location, DNA fingerprint and a clickable link to all the text messages we've sent, e-mails we've received and voice-recognition transcripts of our mobile phone calls..... They call it "data profiling", I call it a book written by George Orwell in 1948....

Great When do we get the chance to vote these patronising nannying incompetent corrupt f'wits out?

I'm going to go and live in a Taleban-run commune- apparantly there they have freedom of movement and freedom of speech (bet that's been flagged up by the MI5 google-miner!!!)....

[/conspiracy theory]

Gav - 20/3/08 at 12:41 PM

This is really starting to get to me now, were supposed to live in a democracy, where by the elected party is supposed to represent the wishes of the people that voted them to power, but yet no government seems to actually listen to the very people who voted them in!

I was actually talking to a few chaps last weekend about the so called show room tax and the conclusion we came to was that if your gonna spend (and afford to run) 60k on a car are you really going to be that bothered by and an extra few hundred pounds on top? no.

[Edited on 20/3/08 by Gav]