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Ebay Scammer??
jamiepearson69 - 27/3/08 at 03:15 PM

I know this is not car related, but, Ive jsut recived this question for an item im selling on ebay and wondered if it was a scam or not.

'Good day to you, I am so delighted to keep you aware about that I am interested in your item displayed on eBay, i want to get this item for my Pastor's Daughter who is currently studying in Africa on Bible Study as a Birthday Gift.I would have love to bid like others but the nature of my job will not allow me to do this at this time, I will be offering you £170.00 for this item. So please if you are interested in selling this item to me, kindly send me your PayPal email address so that I can send out payment immediately via PayPal or payment via Postal Order(payment address needed), As i said earlier am offering you £170.00 for this item this will include both the shipping and handling cost to Africa.Your urgent response will be highly appreciated. Thanks and God bless. ~Mr Mark Allen ~ ~+447024072750~'

What do you all think? Scammer?

jabs - 27/3/08 at 03:18 PM


Hammerhead - 27/3/08 at 03:19 PM

only read the first line! SCAMOLA!

nib1980 - 27/3/08 at 03:21 PM

what are you selling?.....

r1_pete - 27/3/08 at 03:27 PM

Definately a scam, block his id from bidding.

jamiepearson69 - 27/3/08 at 03:28 PM

Nokia Mobile Phone

onzarob - 27/3/08 at 03:29 PM

who types that much if they are really interested.

'How much for buy it now? thanks'

Is feasible rather than an essay!!!


britishtrident - 27/3/08 at 03:29 PM

First three words = scam

Mr Whippy - 27/3/08 at 03:31 PM

pathetic - what a drongo

What is it your selling that this joker wants to give this £170 gift to the Pastor's bible bashing daughter, would the pastor approve? Is it rude?

[Edited on 27/3/08 by Mr Whippy]

eznfrank - 27/3/08 at 03:40 PM

Without a shadow of a doubt - SCAM. Most likely a Nigerian 419'er trying his hand at the latest trend in scamology.

For an amusing site that fights back at these scammers see:

DarrenW - 27/3/08 at 03:42 PM

Defo scam id say. There are plenty of phones he could buy cheap and send out himself.

The Great Fandango - 27/3/08 at 03:45 PM

There's a good book (can't remember the name?!?) written by the guy who 'scammed the scammers'. It makes interesting reading.

Here's a website regarding this process known as 'scam-baiting'.


I'd be tempted to set up a new bank account just for this purpose... link it to a new paypal account and ask him to send his money.

Keep the money in there for a few months and see what happens!

[Edited on 27/3/08 by The Great Fandango]

[Edited on 27/3/08 by The Great Fandango]

BenB - 27/3/08 at 03:54 PM

That smells fishier than a fishy fish sitting in a fish shop.

eznfrank - 27/3/08 at 04:07 PM

The book referred to above is called "Greetings in Jesus name!: The scambaiter letters" by Mike Berry AKA Shiver Metimbers of 419eater fame.

I think that's the one you mean anyway.

philw - 27/3/08 at 04:25 PM

Scam, can you not get him to send you a cheque,which will bounce, then send him a fish or lump of cheese or something.

02GF74 - 27/3/08 at 04:30 PM

Originally posted by BenB
That smells fishier than a fishy fish sitting in a fish shop.

actaully fish shouldn't smell of 'fish' unless they are going off but back to the question, I would say genuine, I mean, come on, a pastor being a man of god, even a nigerian one, the pastor that is not the god, would not be telling porkies, which incidentally you would find in a butchers shop, not a halal one for obvious procine reasons.

tell him that you accept paypal only and wait for payment but will only sell if he sends you a photo of the aforementioned daughter in a state of undress providing she is over 16, that is years not stone but ensure that you give nothing more away than your e-mail address.

twybrow - 27/3/08 at 05:26 PM

Goooood afternoon madam, I am calling from your baaank....

[Edited on 27/3/08 by twybrow]

iank - 27/3/08 at 05:41 PM

Simple test for these occasions.
If you think it's worth posting here asking if it might be a scam, it will be a scam, always, 100% guaranteed.

speedyxjs - 27/3/08 at 06:15 PM

S C A M all the way

MikeRJ - 28/3/08 at 12:06 AM

I find it slightly worrying that people even need to ask. Either I'm a terminally cynical old git, or there are a lot of very trusting people around. Or both.

RK - 28/3/08 at 01:33 AM

Is the pope German?

02GF74 - 28/3/08 at 08:05 AM

Pope Benedict XVI has both German and Vatican citizenship.