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Traffic Cops last night
vinny1275 - 17/4/08 at 07:30 AM

Morning all,

I watched traffic cops on the tv last night, and was pleased to see an organised push to nick loads of people driving with no insurance / dangerously / in stolen cars / whatever in Hull and Grimsby. They had it all organised, coppers from 4 forces all in the two cities, pulling people over, then handing them over to local bobbies who would then do the paperwork, leaving them on the roads to catch some more. So far, so good (not for the crims tho).

One pair of drug dealers, in a citroen c4, tried to outrun a scooby impreza sti - which, surprisingly, they tried to do over a ploughed field - and didn't manage to get away after the chopper had turned up.

So, they have a tally up at the end of the day, impounded 18 cars with no insurance, nicked 6 people for drugs offences, a couple for drink driving, some for speeding, some for car theft, sounded like a great day for the good guys.

Then, right at the end, Theako does a recap of what happened after - one bloke gets £100 fine for posession of cocaine (!) and 2 years driving ban for drunk driving, another gets a conditional discharge, one gets community service or something. One banned driver gets banned again - the only ones who got a prison sentence were the ones in the citroen c4 who had 25 kilos of skunk in the car.

It must really wind the coppers up to do all that work, then see the little scrotes back on the street the next day after a slap on the wrist. No wonder they think they're untouchable - they are!

Rant over, time for work

K999NNY - 17/4/08 at 07:37 AM

Yes, it does.

Paul TigerB6 - 17/4/08 at 07:39 AM

I didnt see it myself (might watch it later on iPlayer) but the sentences barely amount to a slap in the wrist these days. The courts may as well send them to the naughty corner to stand there for 20 minutes like when i was at school. I'm sure it would be just as effective. So as well as i'm sure you are right, reall p'ing the cops off to see all their good work amount to very little, how effective a use of taxpayers money was that operation?? At least the uninsured drivers probably had to cough up a chunk / get their car crushed.

They probably spent the rest of the day on the motorway catching speeders doing 80 to pay for the operation

[Edited on 17/4/08 by Paul TigerB6]

Rek - 17/4/08 at 07:43 AM

The Iranian with no uk License and no Insurance had his £200 astra confiscated... as the copper said "It'd cost him more to insure, he'll just buy another one"

oldtimer - 17/4/08 at 07:46 AM

What is the point of banning drivers who are caught driving whilst banned???.... it would be a joke if only it were funny....

Danozeman - 17/4/08 at 07:52 AM


The Iranian with no uk License and no Insurance had his £200 astra confiscated... as the copper said "It'd cost him more to insure, he'll just buy another one"

That was the best bit, Imigrant f**** go home!!.

MikeRJ - 17/4/08 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by vinny1275
one bloke gets £100 fine for posession of cocaine (!) and 2 years driving ban for drunk driving,

What's so bad about that sentence? It was a very small amount of coke so he wouldn't have been charged with intent to supply. 2 years ban for DD is above average i'd have thought. Do you think he should have gone to jail?

[Edited on 17/4/08 by MikeRJ]

speedyxjs - 17/4/08 at 08:15 AM

I forgot to watch it last night. This is what annoys me. Every week there are guys that drive with no insurance that get caught and end up with a stupid fine that my 13yo sister could afford. As said, problem is its still cheaper to commit these crimes than pay to insure their cars. The worst part is that if they cause an accident, they get let off and the innocent party have to pay hundreds or even thousands to get the damage repaired.

Paul TigerB6 - 17/4/08 at 08:24 AM

BBC iPlayer linky for the programme

Fozzie - 17/4/08 at 08:28 AM

Didn't see it myself.........but.....I think it goes to show that the 'boys/gals in blue' do catch the toe-rags.......but once its handed over to the CPS and courts.........they have no say in what happens from there....and they, like the rest of us are being let down by the lenient judges/magistrates, and the crazy (most times), nonsensical decisions by the's been happening for years, and yet, its always the police who get the blame....
......and breathe!


vinny1275 - 17/4/08 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by vinny1275
one bloke gets £100 fine for posession of cocaine (!) and 2 years driving ban for drunk driving,

What's so bad about that sentence? It was a very small amount of coke so he wouldn't have been charged with intent to supply. 2 years ban for DD is above average i'd have thought. Do you think he should have gone to jail?

[Edited on 17/4/08 by MikeRJ]

Not really, but it doesn't seem to be much deterrent for carrying / using class A drugs, especially if taking them before driving. He had some diazepam on him as well, he had to correct the copper about what class it was....

I'm not sure what the effects of being p!ssed, and under the influence of uppers and downers at the same time, has on your driving, but it can't be good, and he was 3 times over the limit!

Maybe the fact that he coughed to it all with a minimum of fuss counted for him, but 100 quid is probably less than he spent on getting wrecked in the first place. A driving ban doesn't seem to stop any of them driving anyway - the default punishment for driving while banned seems to be another ban - crazy!

mookaloid - 17/4/08 at 08:48 AM

Originally posted by chris mason
there's no excuses for not insuring or taxing your car, the penalties need to be more extreme, even then it will not be a big enough detterent.

driving with no insurance should carry a fine of 3 times what the insurance would have cost them, then the car should be crushed and they should be banned from driving for 3 years, if caught driving while banned you should be locked up 5 years minimum, your car crushed and a lifetime ban from driving.

if the court's don't clamp down hard on these social leppers then they just re-offened,

in fact fcuk it, chop 1 hand off for driving while banned that'll hamper them, if they get caught a 2nd time lop the other one off too


I'm struggling to find any fault with all that



DarrenW - 17/4/08 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by chris mason
there's no excuses for not insuring or taxing your car, the penalties need to be more extreme, even then it will not be a big enough detterent.

driving with no insurance should carry a fine of 3 times what the insurance would have cost them, then the car should be crushed and they should be banned from driving for 3 years, if caught driving while banned you should be locked up 5 years minimum, your car crushed and a lifetime ban from driving.

if the court's don't clamp down hard on these social leppers then they just re-offened,

in fact fcuk it, chop 1 hand off for driving while banned that'll hamper them, if they get caught a 2nd time lop the other one off too


Im with you on this Chris. It boils my p1ss when good honest motorists go out of there way to stay totally legal and the scrotes get away with it time after time.
Id like to think if everyone got insured then the cost of insurance might drop, however fear the insurnce companies would use the excuse that they are recovering past losses.

These latest Cops progs are fantastic. I like the one where they have cameras on them. I reckon the Police have a hard time doing what they do, no surprise they have to take a hard line and then some more innocent people get caught up in it all (i mean like those who werent able to getthe tax until 2nd of month etc for legitimate reasons - not those that accidentally rob a bank by mistake).

graememk - 17/4/08 at 09:15 AM

i've stopped watching them as it anoys me its such a waste of public time and money arresting the scum, then they get away with it.

i got caught doing crop circles when i was 19 and had to spend 30 hours i think on community service cleaning weeds from a footpath in the local park and laying new paving slabs, looks like you get away with less than that for trying to kill someone in a uninsurred untaxed car now.

[Edited on 17/4/08 by graememk]

vinny1275 - 17/4/08 at 10:17 AM

Originally posted by graememk
i got caught doing crop circles when i was 19
[Edited on 17/4/08 by graememk]

You mean they're not done by aliens?

mookaloid - 17/4/08 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by graememk

i got caught doing crop circles when i was 19


Made my day that has

David Jenkins - 17/4/08 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by graememk
i got caught doing crop circles when i was 19

Were you done for driving a flying saucer without insurance?

Guinness - 17/4/08 at 10:43 AM

Chris Mason for President!

Whoooo hooo!


dhutch - 17/4/08 at 11:58 AM

I was cooking and just listening to my housemate watching it. it is maddness however.

We where also discussing (push) bike theft.
- We had start of talking about new bikes, got onto insurence, bikes being stollen, then that what happens about it.

I raised the point we had a bike stolen from our garage (worth maybe only £200) plus £100 to have the door/frame/lock repaired replaced and fresh keys cut. And that the coppers needed bullying into even taking the bikes details down.

Now i know that petty theft doesnt rank very highly, and i wasnt expecting a pair of fast responce cars and a team of forensics.
- However it is a pain in the rump for everyone envoled, and to me it would make sence to atleast make a note of the colour and framecode against our name incase on another job they come accross two dosen bikes in the back of a stolen transit.

Also, a freind of mine had his bike nicked. A very unquie looking custom build worth about £2000 maybe. Insured. But take from outside the campus in broad daylight when locked up, all be it not mega securly.
- Few days later they saw someone riding it round town, and followed them back to a house. Rang the police to inform them of this (house number, blokes looks, etc) and they where still totally disinteresed in coming round the half mile it was from the station.

I guess it maybe a simualr case, there they know that they will be unable to do the guy for anything. Or if they did that it would be such a non-event its not worth it.
- However eather way there is an ongoing issue there.
- If absolutly nothing else they could have turned up in the dress, put the wind up the bloke for a minute, and collected the bike for return.

No wonder so many bikes get nicked! Again, makes me really angry.
- People bike are very special to them like cars, and at £2k his was worth more than my car. A top spec mileage 306.


Jubal - 17/4/08 at 01:04 PM

I cannot watch these programmes. They remind me that decent upstanding folk are being shafted every which way they turn because they have much to lose while the pond life continue to bottom feed happily sticking two fingers at society.

Even when they have them bang to rights the courts let us down. I'm not a hang 'em high merchant but if the deterrent is no deterrent then even a child can see things are wrong.

JoelP - 17/4/08 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by vinny1275
one bloke gets £100 fine for posession of cocaine (!) and 2 years driving ban for drunk driving,

What's so bad about that sentence? It was a very small amount of coke so he wouldn't have been charged with intent to supply. 2 years ban for DD is above average i'd have thought. Do you think he should have gone to jail?

Depends on how much coke, but if there was a significant amount in his blood and a reasonable amount of alcohol (3 times the limit counts in my books?) then a fortnight in the nick along with a much more substantial fine suits me. Lets be honest, if you're out sniffing coke on an evening with a few beers you'll do in £100 anyway, so loosing another £100 isnt a big deal to him; he probably does that most weekends.

steve m - 18/4/08 at 05:02 PM

I got done in 1980 for "Firearms in a public place"

Reigate to be precise,

My punishment, was eerrrr , nothing,

we even went back the following day and got al the guns back, but the police kept the ammo,

hahahaha we did have a laugh