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Re-Taxing Kitcar after being on Sorn
cryoman1965 - 7/5/08 at 03:24 PM

About to re-tax my car after being sorn for the last 5 months. It is 18 months old and should not require an MOT until 3 years old.

Spoke to keith2lp from this site who re-taxed his car after being sorn and he was made to get an MOT if he wanted to Tax it. His car is also approx 18 mths old.

Has anyone had the same problem, and if so how do i prove it to the post office that an MOT is not required without spending a few weeks sorting it out. I also dont want the added cost of an MOT.

I really dont want to miss all this fantastic weather.

Thanks in advance


ash_hammond - 7/5/08 at 03:30 PM

I had the same problem on the 1st of this month.

My log book says the car is registered in 2007 and therefore, less than 3 years old.

The woman at the post office agreed that is should be MOT exempt due to its age. When she scanned the log boom it said an MOT was required - she tried to call VOSA there and then. Supprise Suppise there was no answer - luckly she could overide the system and i got my tax disc.

JohnN - 7/5/08 at 03:31 PM

Just get insurance and tax it on line, avoid the "human" element.

I have done this twice now with no MOT, next year I expect to need one.

phoenix70 - 7/5/08 at 03:33 PM

As long as the date of first registration is correct on the Logbook, it should be ok. If you want to check it, you can use the dvla website to check it, if it will let you tax it online, it should be ok in the post office. Just taxed mine yesterday at the PO, no problems at all



melly-g - 7/5/08 at 03:35 PM

Do it online! easier than trying to persuade someone at the post office that it doesn`t need an mot. It should go straight through as long as you are insured and don`t want it to start at the beginning of next month as it will only go from the start of the month you apply in, if this makes any sense!!

Paul TigerB6 - 7/5/08 at 03:38 PM

As above - go for the online route. Saves having to try and argue regulations with post office staff who will always dig their heels in and never admit they are wrong.

Mr Whippy - 7/5/08 at 03:39 PM

I alway do the tax and SORN on line now, so much easier to do, actually works quite well

DIY Si - 7/5/08 at 03:53 PM

I had a similar problem taxing mine last week. Insurance people e-mailed me the forms as I wanted them ASAP. They agreed that it didn't matter whose printer it came out of, so off I pop to the PO, only to be told, sorry we can't accept this, it's been e-mailed! So, went home in a bit of a mood, and did it on-line. Took all of 3 minutes. Would've been quicker than going to the next village to get in in the first place!

cryoman1965 - 7/5/08 at 03:54 PM

Thanks for the Quick replies.

ON LINE it is then.


hobbsy - 7/5/08 at 04:12 PM

Bear in mind though if you declared SORN online using the code on the reminder you can't use the same code again to tax it.

The code can only be used once - so if you've SORN'ed it then during the same year want to tax if you've got to visit a Post Orifice.

Unless they've changed things recently...

cryoman1965 - 7/5/08 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
Bear in mind though if you declared SORN online using the code on the reminder you can't use the same code again to tax it.

The code can only be used once - so if you've SORN'ed it then during the same year want to tax if you've got to visit a Post Orifice.

Unless they've changed things recently...

They ask you for the vehicle reg and Doc ref no from the log book.

I know tis as i have just done it. Yipppeeeee!!!!!

Paul TigerB6 - 7/5/08 at 05:21 PM

If you intend using the car then print off the confirmation and keep it with you. Technically though its still an offence - failure to display a valid road fund licence.

LoMoss - 7/5/08 at 05:43 PM

If you dont MOT it, make sure you go around it and check all the nuts etc. There is a degree of comfort in someone saying the car is fit for the road if your not that mechanically minded like me..

mad4x4 - 7/5/08 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
If you intend using the car then print off the confirmation and keep it with you. Technically though its still an offence - failure to display a valid road fund licence.

Keep the SORN confirmation - DVLA don;t and if you get hit for non - tax then YOU have to prove you SORN'd it and DVLA will only accept the confirmation as proof

TOO BADD - 7/5/08 at 07:42 PM

Hobsey is correct. Post office only cos I have just had the same problem. So join the queue, so long as it ain't pension day.