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ebay having yet another laugh.
ned - 13/5/08 at 07:17 PM

Haven't used ebay for a while but still have a feedback of 84 and have been registered for years. I go to sell some wheels and am forced to list with paypal because of my 'limited transaction history'. They are collection only for gawds sake. Prob against ebays rules but i added under payment details that I wouldn't accept paypal and that anyone trying to pay would have their money refunded minus paypal's fee for me to have accepted it in the first place.

Totally ridiculous. Anyone else come across this or know of another way round it?

Every time I use that site it just p*sses me off. They have you by the short and danglies the bunch of.. grrrr.

[Edited on 13/5/08 by ned]

nitram38 - 13/5/08 at 07:34 PM

If you refund someone, the fees are automatically returned aswell, so you might want to change your auction regarding the fees charge.

aerosam - 13/5/08 at 07:58 PM

I think ebay owns paypal so they insist you use it so they can make money twice for the same sale.

r1_pete - 13/5/08 at 08:38 PM

ebay does own paypal, nuff said, and it is becoming very undesirable to occasional sellers.

What happens if you dont supply a 'paypal payment will go to' email addr?

coozer - 13/5/08 at 08:57 PM

Check the ebay messages, they are not going to allow any sales without paypal. Not sure when that comes in but its mighty close


ned - 13/5/08 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
ebay does own paypal, nuff said, and it is becoming very undesirable to occasional sellers.

What happens if you dont supply a 'paypal payment will go to' email addr?

no paypal address no listing, it's a required field and presumably is cross checked against registered paypal account addresses so you can't put in rubbish. Either way I thought that would not be a wise move.

Triton - 13/5/08 at 09:07 PM

Potty they will end up destroying something that has enabled a lot of folk to earn a living from home.

How does it apply to europe then do you think as folk from Germany and France seem to prefer to pay direct into a bank account rather than use paypal...
