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eBay feedback
smart51 - 17/5/08 at 12:49 PM

A note on eBay says that sellers can no longer leave neutral or negative feedback on buyers. Does anyone know, does this apply to transactions from weeks ago that are still waiting for feedback?

JoelP - 17/5/08 at 12:51 PM

bloody ridiculous. Do they think there are no bad buyers?

britishtrident - 17/5/08 at 12:55 PM

crazy --- I haven't been near ebay for a long time having encountered one absolute nutter of a buyer.

smart51 - 17/5/08 at 12:57 PM

I am in a situation of mutually assured feedback destruction. A seller, rather than posting the item, came round to my house whilst I was away and left it in the bin. The following morning, the bins were emptied.

Paypal refunded me, eventually. I fear that I can't leave negatice feeback against him or else he will retaliate. This eBay action is supposed to remove this.

Because the sale was nearly 2 months ago, is it included under the new rule?

fatfranky - 17/5/08 at 01:16 PM

I have always been hacked off by sellers who insist that buyer leaves feedback first.

To me once the seller has received cleared payment his transaction is over and feedback should be left.

Buyer should then leave feedback once item received and he/she is happy with it

Just my two penn'orth

Hammerhead - 17/5/08 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by fatfranky
I have always been hacked off by sellers who insist that buyer leaves feedback first.

To me once the seller has received cleared payment his transaction is over and feedback should be left.

Buyer should then leave feedback once item received and he/she is happy with it

Just my two penn'orth

I understand that point of view, but as a buyer and seller I have decided to only give feedback to buyers once they have given me feedback first. This assures me that they have recieved the item and that they are happy. I would rather that any refunds or replacements were dealt with before giving feedback.
I have had a really stupid customer give me a neg after I gave him positive feedback. But as usual the actions of a few nobs means that we all suffer.

andyps - 17/5/08 at 01:37 PM

fatfranky, I agree with you but apparently some buyers get really difficult later, demanding money back etc. This means that seller may want to leave negative about them.

I contacted ebay about this ages ago and got a really useless reply, saying that feedback is all about trust etc and the basis on which ebay works. Now seems they no longer work that way. It certainly is wrong that buyers don't leave negative for fear of retaliation. Maybe it should be that eBay keep the feedback hidden until both parties have completed - wouldn't be too complex to program that I wouldn't think, maybe they could post whichever side they get if only one after the 90 day period when the other can no longer leave anything. You heard it here first!

britishtrident - 17/5/08 at 04:48 PM

Ebay don't protect sellers at all no matter how much you jump up and down.

I had one auction closed on Friday 4 pm -- standard terms and condition, it was posted first class on Saturday at 09.30, buyer raised a dispute for no-delivery at 08.30 am on Tuseday !

Item was actually correctly delivered at 11.30am on Tuesday to her sons address but she had buggered of on holiday for 3 weeks !

Jon Ison - 19/5/08 at 11:40 AM

How would you sort this one as a seller ??

Goods ordered from Mrs on the 4th May and paid for by buyer via paypal.

Dispatched on the 6th May.

email yesterday from buyer my cooker hood is not here yet, where is it ? not quit that polite though.

Track parcel, delivered and signed for on the 7th by strangely enough someone with the same name as the buyer ?

Now should we leave nice green positive or should we have the option to warn other sellers ? We don't have the option, this happens a few times a year to, thank god for online tracking.