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How many more rules
rf900rush - 4/6/08 at 10:39 PM

Just seen some more info on the new type apporvals.
I know some of use have our kitcars on the road but I would still like the chance to do another.

I need a moan!

I know the SVA has improved the build of kit cars but .

There seems to be more and more rules, and many more to come.

Our future.

No more kit or modded cars.
We will have to drive a Toyota Prius or G-Wiz.

No more superCars/bikes.

National speed limit set to 30.

Personal ID with GPS tracking.

Moaning on the Net banned

We are Screwd.

NigeEss - 4/6/08 at 11:03 PM

George Orwell was right, just a few years early

[Edited on 4/6/08 by NigeEss]

RK - 5/6/08 at 01:13 AM

The new rules you will have replacing the SVA don't look too menacing from what I read in CKC mag recently.

nick205 - 5/6/08 at 08:07 AM

I'm sure when the SVA was being proposed and introduced people had the same fears and issues. Now it's just accepted as part of the process. Undoubtedly things will get stricter and more costly, but therein lies the motivation for the kit industry to keep evolving and developing.

It's the same for all indutries and markets - evolve and grow or stagnate and die.

joetait - 5/6/08 at 08:19 AM

new proposed test fee appears to be £540

mackei23b - 5/6/08 at 08:47 AM

Ouch, £540 notes, now that's an incentive to get the car on the road before the IVA comes in!

Originally posted by joetait
new proposed test fee appears to be £540

BenB - 5/6/08 at 08:58 AM

Originally posted by rf900rush
Just seen some more info on the new type apporvals.
I know some of use have our kitcars on the road but I would still like the chance to do another.

I need a moan!

I know the SVA has improved the build of kit cars but .

There seems to be more and more rules, and many more to come.

Our future.

No more kit or modded cars.
We will have to drive a Toyota Prius or G-Wiz.

No more superCars/bikes.

National speed limit set to 30.

Personal ID with GPS tracking.

Moaning on the Net banned

We are Screwd.

Where did you read these?
Some of them sound rather unlikely....

smart51 - 5/6/08 at 09:23 AM

There are a few additions to the rules. engines from 2002 onwards have tighter emissions controls.

Cars must have a horn.

There are some regulations about doors.

Reverse gear - see Directive 75/443/EEC as last amended by Directive 97/39/EC, Annex I and Annex II, paragraph 4
UNECE Regulation 39

Looks like a tougher SVA.

Paul TigerB6 - 5/6/08 at 10:01 AM

Originally posted by BenB
Where did you read these?
Some of them sound rather unlikely....

Thats putting it mildly - totally ridiculous more like it

paulbeyer - 5/6/08 at 11:13 AM

When is the IVA due to take over from the SVA test?

iank - 5/6/08 at 11:15 AM

Next April

smart51 - 5/6/08 at 11:15 AM

1st of April 2009

BenB - 5/6/08 at 01:51 PM

I'd still like to know where I can read these rules!!!

"no more superbikes or supercars"


They can tax them heavily to make them financially unviable but I certainly don't see how they could "ban" them.... And I certainly don't see all the exotic car makers lying down and taking it!!!

I think there's a lot of hot air, speculation and gossip going on.

IE kind of like

"the EU are banning bendy cucumbers"


"health and safety say kids who play conkers have to wear safety goggles"

both of which are total urban myth and based upon nothing!!!

The funny thing is now so many people think it's true that goggles are being worn "to comply with health and safety" even though HSI have never said anything of the sort