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One law for us.....
Macbeast - 5/6/08 at 03:11 PM

Just watched a police car go up a one-way street the wrong way at some speed, with blue light flashing but no siren. Half way up the street he passed an infant school precisely at the time when the kids / mothers are coming out to go home.

What kind of emergency justifies that ?

indykid - 5/6/08 at 03:16 PM

bit early for popcorn....... it might spoil my tea


viatron - 5/6/08 at 03:21 PM

Kentucky probably had a lunchtime deal on....................

Mr Whippy - 5/6/08 at 03:43 PM

Not sure what the rules are concerning the use of the lights and the siren. To me they should be both used unless say it was like 2 in the morning whenever they are above the speed limit, yet I keep seeing (I live right next to a dual carriageway now) loads of emergency vehicles bombing down the road during the day with only the lights on. Honestly their doing at least a ton and I fail to see any good reason not to have the sirens on as well.

[Edited on 5/6/08 by Mr Whippy]

phoenix70 - 5/6/08 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Honestly their doing at least a ton and I fail to see any good reason not to have the sirens on as well.

[Edited on 5/6/08 by Mr Whippy]

Noise Pollution

dan__wright - 5/6/08 at 03:51 PM

afaik they only use sirens if there is traffic, noise polution or some shite

Mr Whippy - 5/6/08 at 03:56 PM

quite a lot of noise is produced when they smash into the back of someone

anyway its a dual carriageway not a bird sanctuary its always noisy

[Edited on 5/6/08 by Mr Whippy]

Canada EH! - 5/6/08 at 04:40 PM

Having had access to the siren and lights, it is the type of call that decides what equipment to use. If your trying to catch a housebreaker the siren just gives him time to escape, on the other hand if it is a major traffic accident it doesn't matter who knows your coming. When we had a huge influx of Orientals in the area I worked, you dare not throw on the siren, they would just slam on the brake and stay in the middle of the road. Scare the hell out of you at 160km on a dual carriageway as you call it.

Mr Whippy - 5/6/08 at 05:53 PM

Panicking oriental immigrants...

Nope I certainly never saw that reason coming, learn something new here everyday

Flamez - 5/6/08 at 05:57 PM

As an emergency worker myself, you can only condone this type of driving if it is a 'life saving event".

Have a bump on the way to an emergency and the first question to answer is, were warning devices [visual and audible] being used? if not stand by to justify why not.

Most emergency services have a policy "drive to arrive" ie at a suitable speed, within limits of driver and vehicle and appropriate to the incident that you are responding to.

Speeding past a school at leaving time is totally unacceptable

[Edited on 5/6/08 by Flamez]

JoelP - 5/6/08 at 06:03 PM

unless you care enough to complain in writing to the local force, you dont really have owt to complain about. Why would they change if they think no one cares?

andyps - 5/6/08 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
Just watched a police car go up a one-way street the wrong way at some speed, with blue light flashing but no siren. Half way up the street he passed an infant school precisely at the time when the kids / mothers are coming out to go home.

What kind of emergency justifies that ?

Lunch? End of shift?