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pikeys doing tarmac? whatever next
ned - 10/6/08 at 10:20 AM

7 complaints, wonder who they were..

Kriss - 10/6/08 at 10:22 AM

was hilarious, I rewinded it three times on the Digital box!

coozer - 10/6/08 at 10:25 AM

Oh, you can't call them that! You'll have the pigs round as king questions!!

Paul TigerB6 - 10/6/08 at 10:28 AM

Some people have nothing better to do than complain to Ofcom clearly. Really are sad - it like all those people who spent ages writing to Points of View on TV having clearly watched a whole programme to then complain about. I always thought the big OFF button on the front of the TV was there for a reason.

I thought Brundle's comment was great - and Bernie's reply brilliant!! Shame he didnt start threatening to pull the Canadian GP though for the state of the track - happy to start threatening the Brit GP though after the state of the car parking a couple of years back when he saw sense in moving the date forward a couple of months!!

How about this for a better excuse for a complaint??


[Edited on 10/6/08 by Paul TigerB6]

westcost1 - 10/6/08 at 10:35 AM

At least the pikys where putting tarmac down all that is getting done to the roads round here is dumping a load of gravel down. Should we fill the holes in first na feckit just stick this gravel down. more stone chips thanks

Mr G - 10/6/08 at 11:00 AM

Pikeys, Coulthard imagining nipples, Raikkonen taking a shite.....

It's like watching Carry On Up the Pitlane.

bob - 10/6/08 at 11:00 AM

Could be a clever quote from MB, With ITV losing the contract might as well get his contract paid up till the end of the season and sit at home sorting his BBC contract out .

BenB - 10/6/08 at 11:13 AM

It's only offensive to the people he called pikeys. After all, members of the travelling community are generally only called pikeys when they do bad shit!! So surely members of the travelling community would say "well I'm not a pikey so I'm not upset". Only people doing bad things would be upset but then they would be labelling themselves pikeys. The people repairing the road might well be upset particularly as it was used in a rather derogitory way.

Of course the more interesting question is regarding the derivation of the work pikey.

Some people say its from Pikesman (the unskilled people you put at the front of your army with a 10 foot long sharp stick). Alternatively, the turnpike was the person who stood outside a walled city (with another f'off big stick) and took money as a toll to enter the city. they were generally pretty hard people. The third possible derivations is that the latin name for the magpie (well known for nicking stuff) is Pica pica....

RK - 10/6/08 at 12:16 PM

Except we don't have gypsies in Canada, so it is a moot question.

Paul TigerB6 - 10/6/08 at 12:23 PM

Originally posted by RK
Except we don't have gypsies in Canada, so it is a moot question.

We can soon fix that - you can have some (actually all) of ours!!!

RK - 10/6/08 at 01:50 PM

No thank you.

Those people were probably city workers (all related to each other, or they wouldn't be working there), who are not known for their work ethic: usually it's 10 guys standing around, while one digs a ditch - you know, the one next to the 4 ft deep pothole. Montreal's roads are absolutely brutal; must be seen to be believed. The winter combined with the salt, destroys everything. For a while, there were suburban bridges that kept falling on motorists.

So in closing, Montrealers probably thought the GP track was is perfect shape, when compared to their regular roads.

ravingfool - 10/6/08 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by RK
No thank you.

Those people were probably city workers (all related to each other, or they wouldn't be working there), who are not known for their work ethic: usually it's 10 guys standing around, while one digs a ditch - you know, the one next to the 4 ft deep pothole....

Yes you do have pikeys, you've just defined them, that's what some of ours do, although they tend to scam little old ladies into having their driveway 'tarmacked' because thankfully our local authorities don't employ pikeys en masse...

Micael - 10/6/08 at 02:48 PM

They have even managed to get to Sweden. Every summer they come and try to sell cheap tarmac. They are driving around in scrappy UK registred lorries.

Macbeast - 10/6/08 at 04:46 PM

He probably meant Pikeys as people who mend the Turnpike or main road. Seems logical

clairetoo - 10/6/08 at 06:26 PM

I wonder if it's possible to complain to OFCOM about a complaint

ned - 11/6/08 at 09:24 AM

yeah, there must be more than '7' of us lol, so our complaint about the complaint must outnumber/outweigh the original complaint

ravingfool - 11/6/08 at 10:59 AM

...and as you well know, 7 actual complaints amounts to 7 thousand people being upset about it.

(probably incorrect recollection of family guy v fcc)

RoadkillUK - 11/6/08 at 06:56 PM

I think this kind of tarmac job is what they are referring to?

It also gives me a chance to show you my quick-jack