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Run it on water?
coozer - 14/6/08 at 06:40 PM

Anyone seen this:

Run it on Water

Is it real or what?

If its that easy why don't we all have a water engine??

StevieB - 14/6/08 at 06:48 PM

It works in theory, but not in practice.

You can get the hyrdogen out of the water, but not in anywhere near enough volume to run an engine.

If it was that easy, Honda wouldn't have spent all those years developing their fuel cell car - they'd have just bought a cheap kit off the net!

[Edited on 14/6/08 by StevieB]

BenB - 14/6/08 at 06:51 PM

I think the first thing you have to do to get it to work is get a snake and squeeze all the oil out of it....

You can get hydrogen out of water with electrolysis but you're making the electricity to run the hydrolysis via another process. Lots of processes in the chain, no process is 100% efficient..... etc etc.

You can make hydrogen and oxygen from water but you can't beat the laws of physics...

Macbeast - 14/6/08 at 07:12 PM

Not again !!

It takes more energy to get the hydrogen out of the water than you can get burning it in your engine.

Dusty - 14/6/08 at 07:42 PM

Interesting. The videos give the game away that the yanks are approaching gas mileage from a different perspective. (Reminds me of the strange reassurance given by the Indian foreign minister about the dangers of Calcutta drains. Only ten people have died falling down them in the last few years. Like London is so much worse? But I digress.)
America currently uses 25% of the worlds oil. Current average gas mileage is in the teens for private vehicles. Steve Myers, the inventor of this amazing technology is leading the revolution in the USA to get 40 mpg from their cars! America is such a fabulous powerhouse of cutting edge technology.
Oh and yes, agree it's a scam anyway.

jacko - 14/6/08 at 08:17 PM

I wish i could do links
but if you serch under my name you will find info about this subject HHO

[Edited on 14/6/08 by jacko]

BenB - 14/6/08 at 09:01 PM

It's like saying you can make your car solar powered by putting solar panels in front of your headlights.....

turbodisplay - 14/6/08 at 09:57 PM

....Or wind powered by putting a huge wind turbine on the roof!


Tim 45 - 14/6/08 at 10:08 PM

was discussed at length here

DutchBoy - 14/6/08 at 10:09 PM

the only way to cut C02 emissions is to go green...

and that can involve making hydrogen out of water using windmill electricity...

thats a way it could work. But you will proberly need so much windmills to produce the demand on the stuff that the electricity costs will rise!! i think in the future there will be some different kind of power sources for cars... hydrogen/fuelcel/electric/double engined...

in the end if we all will pull again from one source...

i know the stories that a windmill makes more co2 then it can save but offcourse thats not true because if we would have 100windmills then to produce the 101 we will have 100windmills producing the energy..

for it

MikeR - 15/6/08 at 01:14 AM

100 windmills.....

errm, total cost, how do you produce the windmills? concrete has a very bad CO2 footprint, what about the metal, machining it etc etc

iscmatt - 15/6/08 at 01:30 AM

Originally posted by BenB
It's like saying you can make your car solar powered by putting solar panels in front of your headlights.....

Haha, thats brilliant!!

Bob C - 15/6/08 at 11:41 AM

I was making a solar power controller at college (maximum power point tracking) Anyway we needed a low power "analog" of the full sized array & ended up with a halogen lamp shining on a small array of 6 4inch PV cells.
1000W in - 6W out . . . talk about efficiency!
Good way to make an isolated power supply though. . . . .