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road tax
Markp - 10/7/08 at 04:21 PM


With talk of road tax changing and going by emmisions etc, how will this effect Q plates?

Anyone know???

Cheers Mark

Snuggs - 10/7/08 at 04:25 PM

Not at all.

Markp - 10/7/08 at 04:28 PM

i pay over £200 a year to be on a Q, so that will stay the same?

Big Stu - 10/7/08 at 04:29 PM

I had an idea about this that could make some people a lot of money IF VOSA (or DVLA or whoever) would allow you to retest the emission levels of the car.

If they would accept a new test with new CO figures, is there a way a car could be de-tuned to reduce the CO figures either by engine mapping or fitting some other clever device?

I'm sure there would be loads of people out there that would quite happliy have a slower car if it saved them a couple of hundred quid a year.

Is this possible?

Snuggs - 10/7/08 at 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Markp
i pay over £200 a year to be on a Q, so that will stay the same?

Surely a Q plate should be taxed on the engine capacity. So for a 2l the tax should be £185.

Markp - 10/7/08 at 05:34 PM

£185 was last year

DarrenW - 10/7/08 at 06:10 PM

So is that how it works - based on engine capacity for our cars?

When you look up for cars registered after 2001 they are emmissions based. I dont even have emissions on my V5.
Still think £200 a year is a rip off for limited mileage cars.

jacko - 10/7/08 at 06:22 PM

Q plate or not i am not convinced the government wont get us

Danozeman - 10/7/08 at 07:49 PM


Q plate or not i am not convinced the government wont get us

Theyl get everyone in the end in some shape or form unless Gordon Clown gets booted out. I hated Blair this F******s even worse!!

Chippy - 10/7/08 at 10:25 PM

So what happens with a car like mine, first registered in 2006, with a 2.9 ltr engine, (1989). Cheers Ray

jacko - 11/7/08 at 06:30 PM

Have a look at this


Chippy - 11/7/08 at 09:50 PM

Ah! well thats good news then, Phwuuu! Ray