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THE END IS NIGH Saturday to be precise
scotty g - 7/8/08 at 06:42 AM

Its coming, were all doomed etc etc
Doomsday Machine

Macbeast - 7/8/08 at 06:49 AM

Oh sod it! Don't think the car will be finished by Saturday

And that's going to bugger up your e-Bay sales.

[Edited on 7/8/08 by Macbeast]

Guinness - 7/8/08 at 06:56 AM

I've got a wedding invite for Saturday afternoon. Does that mean I don't have to buy the bride & groom a present?

Best warn my mate who lives in Geneva though!

If the world is going to end on Saturday that's really going to fusk up my summer holiday, which starts on Monday


scotty g - 7/8/08 at 07:00 AM

I was going to start a new job on Monday..
and my ebay stuff finishes on Sunday.

02GF74 - 7/8/08 at 08:30 AM


who really knows.....

just like before the first atomic bomb was set off there was a theroy that it would ignite all the oxygen in the atmosphere, fortunately they were wrong, that time at least ....

I bet Gordon Brown is rubbing his hands with glee as it would save him all sworts of troubles.

speedyxjs - 7/8/08 at 09:08 AM

Iv been waiting for new on the for a while now.
Scary int it

focijohn - 7/8/08 at 09:09 AM

Least i wont have to go back to work after 2 weeks off

speedyxjs - 7/8/08 at 09:27 AM

Do we know what time it is being switched on?
Im picking my parents up from southampton on saturday and would like to spend my last minutes with them

speedyxjs - 7/8/08 at 09:34 AM

More info linky.


the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place after the LHC is officially unveiled, on October 21, 2008

So we have a few months to get our cars finished then

Macbeast - 7/8/08 at 10:29 AM

Scotty -

Under the circumstances E-Bay might let you change it to a Buy-it-now.

I'm off to Caterham to put one on my credit card

scootz - 7/8/08 at 12:00 PM

Bet it's powered by a bike-engine!

speedyxjs - 7/8/08 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Bet it's powered by a bike-engine!

Nah, who did you sell that Jag engine to?

rj - 7/8/08 at 12:09 PM

Scary, and could totally f*^" up my holiday, going on Saturday !
A mate of mine who works at Sheffield Uni is working on this , nice lad , if you ignore the bit about possibly KILLING US ALL !
I understand that it could quite possibly create a black hole , but the official line is " dont worry, it will only be a small one" , thats OK then !

Mr Whippy - 7/8/08 at 12:24 PM

It’s nice that they show so much faith in Mr Hawkings theory that any blackholes created will simply evaporate instantly they are created, especially since no blackhole has ever been studied close by, but I'm sure he's a whiz at the old maths stuff. Though didn't he also predict that there should be loads exploding in space but none have ever been detected, hmm? Consensus is though that even if the blackhole did not evaporate it would be going at almost the speed of light so should pass through the planet almost in an instant and head of into space…hopefully.

MikeR - 7/8/08 at 12:24 PM

They where supposed to start it up around November last year. We hired a pub for an "end of he world" party. When they decided they weren't firing it up, we renamed it "End of the world - dry run".

Damned good fun although far too much alcohol was consumed (heck, it was the end of the world, hangovers wouldn't matter!).

Suppose we'd better get in touch with the bar and hire it again (although this time, just in case, prebook the taxis - spent ages trying to get one & ended up helping the staff clear up whilst waiting).

cobra427 - 7/8/08 at 01:22 PM


It's not this weekend the world ends..

it's Aug 22 instead (something to do with the islamic calender andthe 27th day of Rajab)

So at least I'll have had my holiday (come back on 23rd) - but would never get to know If i can build my new garage without planning permission....

and for those wanting to know where I got that crap from...

[Edited on 7/8/08 by cobra427]

Humbug - 7/8/08 at 02:22 PM

"...even now, the architects of what is being termed a "Doomsday" machine, the U.S. Department of Energy, Fermilab, the National Science Foundation and CERN are being sued in federal court over fears that this experiment may in fact destroy the planet..."

To collect, the planet would actually have to have been destroyed, but the plaintiffs (and presumably the court and the edfendents) would have to have survived somehow????

iank - 7/8/08 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Humbug
"...even now, the architects of what is being termed a "Doomsday" machine, the U.S. Department of Energy, Fermilab, the National Science Foundation and CERN are being sued in federal court over fears that this experiment may in fact destroy the planet..."

To collect, the planet would actually have to have been destroyed, but the plaintiffs (and presumably the court and the edfendents) would have to have survived somehow????

Nope, they are suing to prevent the machines being turned on in the first place based on the 'risk' of creating either a black hole that survives or a strangelet that converts the earth into a, theoretically possible, 'strange star'.

Mr Whippy - 7/8/08 at 02:52 PM

It's amazing how much energy that beam has, as much as a freight train going at full tilt. Wonder when it will be used as a space cannon? Is it Reagan’s starwars project in disguise??

02GF74 - 7/8/08 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It's amazing how much energy that beam has, as much as a freight train going at full tilt.

If it is a BR train, I wouldn't worry as a single leaf or snowflake would stop it.

scotty g - 7/8/08 at 03:11 PM

If we all died i think that just after we pass through the gates into heaven we should call "Injury Vultures 4 U", we would make a fortune.
oh wait that won't work, all the lawers will be in Hell!

Mr Whippy - 7/8/08 at 03:14 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It's amazing how much energy that beam has, as much as a freight train going at full tilt.

If it is a BR train, I wouldn't worry as a single leaf or snowflake would stop it.

Richard Quinn - 7/8/08 at 04:36 PM

Image deleted by owner

It's ok! It looks like my wiring harness and if it is, then not even the sidelights will work!

MikeR - 7/8/08 at 05:15 PM

bad news - it does work, they've tested it and are now lowering the temperature down to something like 1 or 2 degrees (kelvin - ie -270ish)

i love the story about "it might create a black hole". Had the good fortune to sit next to a physics major who used to work in a nuclear power plant. I made a similar comment one day (about black holes). When he stopped laughing he explained .....

the issue with a black hole is that you take something the size of our sun (like REALLY REALLY REALLY huge) and squash it down to the size of a pea. If you're stood as far aware from the sun now, when it becomes pea sized it still has the same gravitational pull. No more, no less. the issue is you can get a LOT closer, and when you get close the gravitational pull increases ....... till you get strange things happening.

So, they're going to accelerate a couple of electrons weighing less than a gnats dandruff round, just say they create a black hole it will be situated in France (or switzerland if we're unlucky) and have the gravitational pull of ...... errrm, yep, sod all. The world will not end.

(i did point all this out to my mates when we where organising the party - i was told to stop spoiling the excuse for a good party).

Rob Palin - 7/8/08 at 06:07 PM

Don't panic Mr Mannering! Don't panic!

Scaremongering codswallop like this gets my goat (indeed my entire farmyard). Who needs facts when there's a good story around, eh?

iank - 7/8/08 at 07:06 PM

Strangelets are a more interesting possibility for disaster, though theoretically if it were possible for the ice-9 scenario to occur it would have already happened. Though if they really are what makes up dark matter....

JEPY - 7/8/08 at 07:23 PM

I wouldn't worry, one of my mates was working on some of the smaller components right in the centre of one of those large machines...

Without wanting to do him an injustice (but I'm going to anyway!) if they ever worked I'd be extremely surprised He was always a bit of a bodge-it merchant.

Hang on, that might be worse... maybe if it worked properly there would be no change of an explosion, but if he's bodged some vital bits....

Oh well, I'll just do what Arthur Dent did when the world was about to end.. drink beer!


woodster - 7/8/08 at 09:10 PM

if indeed its the end of the world when they switch that thing on my money is on Whippy posting the last post on here....... not that any of us will be around to see it

[Edited on 7/8/08 by woodster]