I've logged on this morning and I don't believe it I'm not the only Sad 'O' , who's on 'Locostbuilders on Xmas
We really should get out more!!!
I guess i'm a sado to!
Me too.
Sad, but it beats watching NAtional Health TV......
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas from another saddo. Just waiting for dinner so nothing else to do. I'm not watching Muppets in Space, honest.
yours, Pete.
why does santa have 3 gardens?
so he can hoe hoe hoe...
sorry i didnt get here any earlier .....................Too busy unwrapping all my pressies from SANTA...... boy i feel sorry for them raindeer, carting this lot out to me today, no wonder they only work one day a year, it'll take me a year to get over all this exitement !!
Well, I'm sat in my lounge with my laptop, making full use of the wireless LAN gear I got for christmas, so I've got an excuse!