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Hamilton petition
clairetoo - 8/9/08 at 06:00 AM

This was posted on the `Hamilton loses it thread` but I thought it was worth a proper mention
It does seem to be growing at quite a rate - I signed it at just over 1700 , and it's nearly topped 6000 overnight
linky to petition

theconrodkid - 8/9/08 at 06:16 AM

i noticed on a couple of other sites people are steaming,lets hope they get the message

speedyxjs - 8/9/08 at 06:44 AM

Gladly done

britishtrident - 8/9/08 at 06:51 AM

Spread the news guys time the FIA were brought to heal.

billynomates - 8/9/08 at 06:56 AM


oldtimer - 8/9/08 at 06:59 AM

The pro Ferrari/anti McClaren sentiments of the F1 Governors do seem even more extreme this year.

speedyxjs - 8/9/08 at 07:03 AM

I dont know what Mclaren have done to make the FIA so anti them. I know about the spying scandel and all but that was in the past and Mclaren have paid for that.

Agriv8 - 8/9/08 at 07:07 AM

How can the FIA claim to be indipendant and fair after a decision like that.

I wander how much of an eaner they will be on by keeping the championship on the wire to the end of the season.

Mclaren and their sponsers must be getting well peed off.



billynomates - 8/9/08 at 07:10 AM

Just heard on the radio that Hamilton has been penalised 5 times out of the last 13 races.

God knows who's pocket the FIA are in but it's not McLarens.

This sounds ridiculous, but, could the FIA be a racist organisation??
The evidence might suggest so.

popeye99 - 8/9/08 at 07:12 AM

So bunch of anonymous are sending angry letter to organization headed by unscrupulous moron who is prepared to drag governing body through mud and courts after being exposed as organizer of nazi orgy?

Unrelated news ; sales of shredders on increase.

britishtrident - 8/9/08 at 07:15 AM

Originally posted by billynomates
Just heard on the radio that Hamilton has been penalised 5 times out of the last 13 races.

God knows who's pocket the FIA are in but it's not McLarens.

This sounds ridiculous, but, could the FIA be a racist organisation??
The evidence might suggest so.

Max Mosley painted the graffiti KBW over half of Nottinghill in support of his father Oswald Mosleys campaign in the "Dirty" election of 1959

KBW? = Keep Britain White.

Syd Bridge - 8/9/08 at 07:52 AM

How much longer will Hamilton and McLaren put up with this, before a team is set up to run him in the USA, in Indycars?

He's a much more sellable item in the States than anywhere else, and much more acceptable than to the racists of the FIA.


russbost - 8/9/08 at 07:53 AM

Well, I've signed, but don't suppose it will make any difference.
Interesting comment re racism, I'd already made a similar comment on the other thread b4 seeing this. Lewis is the first black F1 driver - perhaps it's like the old golf club/apartheid type rules?
Maybe we could get Max to head up our Olympic team for an all white squad, wonder how many medals we'd get then?

DaveFJ - 8/9/08 at 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Syd Bridge
How much longer will Hamilton and McLaren put up with this, before a team is set up to run him in the USA, in Indycars?

He's a much more sellable item in the States than anywhere else, and much more acceptable than to the racists of the FIA.


Is that really true? ignoring the fact that indy car is shite... it is HUGELY popular down south in the USA and from what I remember they aint to keen on 'people of colour' down that way...........
Perhaps Max Mosely should move to Nascar! he would fit right in!


Richard Quinn - 8/9/08 at 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8
I wander how much of an eaner they will be on by keeping the championship on the wire to the end of the season.

I reckon that it has got more to do with this. F1 has now gained significantly in popularity since Schuey bowed out and they don't want it to become more boring again.

peterparsons - 8/9/08 at 09:20 AM

thant makes me number 8137 to sign...

BenB - 8/9/08 at 09:21 AM

Signed with comment:

"Ridiculous duplicity! Ferrari would have (and have in the past) got away with far worse. What's the point in watching F1 anymore? If I want to watch a rigged sport I'd switch to WWF....."

BenB - 8/9/08 at 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Originally posted by Agriv8
I wander how much of an eaner they will be on by keeping the championship on the wire to the end of the season.

I reckon that it has got more to do with this. F1 has now gained significantly in popularity since Schuey bowed out and they don't want it to become more boring again.

And rigging it so that a Ferrari will win each year isn't boring???

Richard Quinn - 8/9/08 at 10:00 AM

No, you missunderstood me. Rigging it so it looks like the drivers championship is a close run thing is what they think makes it exciting.

jollygreengiant - 8/9/08 at 10:11 AM


Hellfire - 8/9/08 at 11:02 AM



stupott901 - 8/9/08 at 11:12 AM

done as well the tossers

chrisg - 8/9/08 at 11:37 AM





JeffHs - 8/9/08 at 12:07 PM

it stinks but it's all so predictable
Think we should give up on F1 and stick to classics where there is still some semblance of sport.


Blue Fox - 8/9/08 at 03:54 PM

All done, number 13445 with quite a large comment. Think this is going too far. Has anyone looked into the last time a red car got a on track penalty rather than a pathetic little fine? Was it when Shumi parked it in the qualifying at Monaco a couple of years back? I can think of 2 incidents that should have been penalised this year namely the recent pit stop release for Massa and when Kimi stuffed I think it was Suttil up the back in Monaco - that was definatly "causeing an avoidable accident". But they will never penalise a red car on the track!

DarrenW - 8/9/08 at 03:57 PM

Mine makes it 13535 so far.

bigrich - 8/9/08 at 04:34 PM

13879 just added my name and comment.

locoR1 - 8/9/08 at 04:38 PM

Thanks for posting it up as a separate thread Claire. I'm number 1510

I should of done the same last night but had a busy day doing diy in the rain and watching a GP that was ruined a few hours later! so couldn't be bothered

cryoman1965 - 8/9/08 at 04:44 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Signed with comment:

" If I want to watch a rigged sport I'd switch to WWF....."

WWF is Rigged

No 14114


[Edited on 8/9/08 by cryoman1965]

RK - 8/9/08 at 04:45 PM

Since I've never actually believed this very useful forum to be a popularity contest...

Don't you think you should preface any petition with "English F1 Fans Support English Driver"? Oh, don't need to, because that's exactly how it will come across, no matter what.

cryoman1965 - 8/9/08 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by RK
Don't you think you should preface any petition with "English F1 Fans Support English Driver"? Oh, don't need to, because that's exactly how it will come across, no matter what.

I suppose if it were a Canadian F1 driver it would be the same?

Whooooooops do you actually have a current F1 driver???


britishtrident - 8/9/08 at 05:59 PM

Originally posted by RK
Since I've never actually believed this very useful forum to be a popularity contest...

Don't you think you should preface any petition with "English F1 Fans Support English Driver"? Oh, don't need to, because that's exactly how it will come across, no matter what.

As a Scot I see not a lot of problems with defending an incredibly talented english driver and in doing so to lend support against the rotten vindictiveness of another english man.

I would do exactly the same if it were Robert Kubica, or any of the rest of the current crop of hyper talented ex-kart jockies who were the subject of unfair treatment.

When the Ferrari Tiffosi picked on Massa in the Atlas F1 Forum after Silverstone I defended him, I see now they have turned on Kimi.

[Edited on 8/9/08 by britishtrident]

clairetoo - 8/9/08 at 09:51 PM

Can't find anything about when this end's , but it's growing at one hell of a rate

scutter - 9/9/08 at 08:59 AM

Now at 19824

ATB Dan.

omega 24 v6 - 9/9/08 at 01:27 PM

Hi guys and Girls. I've just got back from Spa a truly fantastic weekend it was. Probably the best race (last 3 laps) since the late 80's early 90's.
Signed the petition and left this comment.

I was at Spa and watched many Ferrari fans congratulate McLaren fans on what was a great race and a HUGE spectacle of last minute excitement. None of them or anyone else I spoke to at Spa can believe how biased towards Ferrari things are. Something has a bad smell. Anyone who was there knows it was a great race won well by Hamilton.

wicket - 9/9/08 at 01:45 PM


locoR1 - 9/9/08 at 05:37 PM

Now 24395 Shame it wont make any difference

carlgeldard - 9/9/08 at 05:55 PM

I'm struggling to see what lewis did wrong. onboard footage

If you look at kimi then you'll see that red car is a pig in the wet. Also watch out at about 2.20. He use's more run off area than track.
