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7 with a sunshade
Fred W B - 11/10/08 at 08:59 AM

Pic pinched from another forum


Fred W B

Triton - 11/10/08 at 09:11 AM

No doubt got a barbie in there too

Ivan - 11/10/08 at 10:02 AM

The cantilevered mounting looks risky given the wing size to say the least, as speed increases the pitch will increase as well And if it buckles he will have the wing wrapped around his face

rf900rush - 11/10/08 at 10:50 AM

Is it on backwards?

Or is it me that needs to go back to school.

Liam - 11/10/08 at 11:41 AM

Backwards?? Huh - how'd you work that out? Yes - straight back to school

It's presumably positioned over the car's cog to provide equal downforce front and rear, hence the strange mount. Does look a bit flexy though!

Ah well at least it clearly hasn't been put on for looks! So fair play.


short track 123 - 11/10/08 at 11:56 AM

It looks like its on backwards to me

ravingfool - 11/10/08 at 02:10 PM

assuming by backwards you mean upside down, then yes I think so. And I really don't think there is any point in that thing on a 7 on a drag strip. Won't help traction off the line, it'll just kill it's top speed

Dangle_kt - 11/10/08 at 02:51 PM

I say he is american.

Not sure what it is, just call it a gut feeling

mr henderson - 11/10/08 at 04:06 PM

Perhaps the idea is to provide lift rather than downforce, to make the car lighter (accelerate quicker) and to reduce the tyre wear.


rf900rush - 11/10/08 at 09:01 PM

It's just that I thought the fat bit went to the front like a aeroplane but upside down.

Wind direction ----> ----->

I know crap drawing, could not find a good drawing on the net.

Fred W B - 11/10/08 at 09:06 PM

The car is apparently quite usefull, on a real track.

Original context here


Fred W B

Liam - 11/10/08 at 09:19 PM

Crikey - it's got an LS1 (or 2 or 6 or whatever)

I want I want I want I want

RE: some of these comments. American maybe, but credit the guy with some common sense! It's clearly a serious racer - wings on backwards/up-side-down? Yeah right. Wing like that on a drag strip? Er, maybe it's a circuit (they do have them in the US). Americans aren't that silly.