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Cheap Zetec conversion?
chrisg - 26/1/04 at 08:52 PM

This months "Custom Car" magazine carries a feature on a rather nice Ford anglia rod, which runs quite an interesting engine.

It's a Ford Zetec running on a pair of landrover 2.2 webbers with anti deiseling valves(?) on a homemade manifold and a custom made distributor drive to a orion CVH distributor, belt driven from the exhaust cam.

The article doesn't give any more details, anyone know more?



ady8077 - 26/1/04 at 09:10 PM

Hi Chris

I've not seen this type of conversion before, but i have seen a zetec runing webers and using the ign mod off a 1.8 cvh out af a Sierra. Apparently the 1.8 uses the same flywheel pick up as the Zetec


Stu16v - 26/1/04 at 09:33 PM

The dizzy idea is very similar to how Vauxhall ran the dizzy on the Manta 1.8's.....

david walker - 27/1/04 at 10:37 PM

Originally posted by ady8077
Hi Chris

I've not seen this type of conversion before, but i have seen a zetec runing webers and using the ign mod off a 1.8 cvh out af a Sierra. Apparently the 1.8 uses the same flywheel pick up as the Zetec


No the Sierra runs its pick up off the front crankshaft pulley, but you are nearly right, I have posted details before of how to build a crank triggered ignition system using an early Fiesta HCS system combined with a modified Sierra pulley adapted to whatever engine you wish. Ignition map is a compromise but I defy you to tell on the road! All for about 20 quid.

The pics of the Landrover show some nice engineering but I doubt the performance ability of the carbs (at least compared to others that are cheaply avaialble)