This months "Custom Car" magazine carries a feature on a rather nice Ford anglia rod, which runs quite an interesting engine.
It's a Ford Zetec running on a pair of landrover 2.2 webbers with anti deiseling valves(?) on a homemade manifold and a custom made distributor
drive to a orion CVH distributor, belt driven from the exhaust cam.
The article doesn't give any more details, anyone know more?
Hi Chris
I've not seen this type of conversion before, but i have seen a zetec runing webers and using the ign mod off a 1.8 cvh out af a Sierra.
Apparently the 1.8 uses the same flywheel pick up as the Zetec
The dizzy idea is very similar to how Vauxhall ran the dizzy on the Manta 1.8's.....
Originally posted by ady8077
Hi Chris
I've not seen this type of conversion before, but i have seen a zetec runing webers and using the ign mod off a 1.8 cvh out af a Sierra. Apparently the 1.8 uses the same flywheel pick up as the Zetec