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Megajolt mappers and Dellorto setter uppers?
stu da rude - 1/1/09 at 05:55 PM

Hi all,

Does anyone know anyone able to setup my megajolt and dellorto's? im running a filter king so id like the fuel pressure verified too, basically, the whole ignition/fuelling system needs setting up and mapping, is there anywhere in the west midlands that can do this? i dont mind travelling a little further afield to be honest!

gregs - 1/1/09 at 08:04 PM

do a search for mech motorsport in cheltenham - I will be using them for my MS setup.

dhutch - 2/1/09 at 01:54 AM

Also interested.
- I have a simular setup, twin DHLA 40s, Filter king. Although currently running on the CVHs origanal ignition system.

Also in the midlands (leicester/staffs ish) and looking to get it looked at before spring.
