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Bike carb to manifold hose.
blitzmk2 - 25/1/09 at 03:45 PM

I am about to fit zx6r Carbs to my crossflow, but I am having trouble finding suitable tube. It needs to be 41/42mm I.D. and fuel resistant. I know that fuel resistant silicone is available, but it only comes in Metre lengths for £80 + post and packing and I only need less than a third of that, any ideas please?

blitzmk2 - 25/1/09 at 03:49 PM

Sorry, just noticed the previous thread on this, but I don't want connectors with a flange, I just need 4 short pieces of hose.

lotusmadandy - 25/1/09 at 04:19 PM

I bought 2 short silcone
hose joiners from a company called
zena racing on ebay,they are 3" long
i cut them in half to make two joiners.They cost £3
each and have now been on the car
for a year with no deterioration,
just discoloured a little inside.


myke pocock - 25/1/09 at 04:30 PM

I got a metre length of 40mm ID silicone hose off ebay for £20. The company said that silicone for fuel systems, carbs etc is available but very expensive. Standard hose like I have will eventually break down but at £20 for 1 metre you can change it regularly. I only used 6" of the stuff for my bike carbs on my trials Estelle so still loads to go at!!!.

bracey - 25/1/09 at 05:46 PM

boggs will do it at a fiver per hose +p+p thats what charged me when fitted r1s to there manifold

Danozeman - 25/1/09 at 08:06 PM

Get the connectors off the bike. They go on the bay for a fiver for 4.

flibble - 25/1/09 at 08:44 PM

I've used the zena racing stuff off EBay as was mentioned earlier, been working for a year or two with no problems as yet.
Cant find them at the moment but similar here: rksidZp1742.m153.l1262

[Edited on 25/1/09 by flibble]

DarrenW - 25/1/09 at 09:25 PM

Ive used alfagomma hose. Worked very ell and not expensive. Ive since sold the surplus to 2 other LCB members.

If you do a search under my username you should find the spec.

blitzmk2 - 26/1/09 at 09:41 PM

Darren, I have read all your very interesting threads, but you don't say where you bought the hose. I Googled it and the only supplier I could find would only supply 30 Metres, which is slightly more than I need....Baz.

DarrenW - 27/1/09 at 09:32 AM

Mine came from a local stockists in Bishop Auckland called Snowball's. They are one of those Alladins cave type places. I got a 1m length for about £15. i didnt go in specifically to buy that hose, i just explained what i needed and they offered it. They didnt however offer it as a specifically fuel resistant type, but it works and ive heard others comment on them using it too.